Fond Farewell

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The following morning, men from the Night's Watch scurried around the courtyard, readying horses for Ella, Jon, and their traveling party

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The following morning, men from the Night's Watch scurried around the courtyard, readying horses for Ella, Jon, and their traveling party. Ella dressed in her new trousers and tunic, along with a black pair of riding boots and matching cloak. The winter winds chilled her to the bone, but she was hopeful the ride would warm her up.

Ella stood by a pure black horse as the brother from the Watch secured the saddle strap. Ella smiled at the young man, thanking him before he continued on. The lone wolf stroked the mane of her new companion, only stopping when she heard footsteps crunching in the snow. The lone wolf turned her head, spotting her sister carrying a large bundle in her arms. Asena trotted alongside Sansa. Ella and Jon decided it was best to bring the wolves along, seeing as they may not return to Castle Black. Plus, Ella could not leave her oldest and dearest friend again.

Sansa greeted her sister with a bright and cheerful smile. "I have one more present for you," Sansa said. "The top one is yours."

Ella reached her hand out, grabbing the material folded neatly in her hands. Her eyes scanned the cloak, noticing the dark gray fur around the hood. Ella smiled as she saw a direwolf etched into the leather straps. The direwolf of House Stark.

"I know how much you admired Father's cloak when we were children and asking to have one of your own. But he said no. I remember you being so upset about it. So, I figured now you could have your own."

Ella felt tears form in her eyes at her sister's kindness. The lone wolf did not recall her sister ever knowing that bit of her past. "How do you know that?" Ella questioned Sansa.

"It's just something I know," Sansa shrugged her shoulders. "I've made one for Jon as well. Speaking of Jon, here he comes."

Ella and Sansa greeted their brother as he and Ghost joined their small group. Ella slipped on her new cloak, dusting off flakes of snow as she up into her new furs. Ghost sat beside Jon's side as he spoke to his sisters before their departure.

"New cloak?" Jon asked, motioning to Ella's gray cloak.

"Yes," Ella smiled. "Sansa made it."

Jon turned to Sansa, admiring her newly formed green dress. "And a new dress for you?" He questioned the red headed Stark.

"I made it myself, along with Ella's new cloak and outfit," Sansa replied proudly. "Do you like them?"

"Well, I like the wolf bits on your dress and on her shirt," Jon said.

"Good," Sansa beamed, "because I made this for you. It's like the one Father used to wear, as near as I can remember. It matches Ella's, but yours is brown. I thought it'd match your eyes more."

Jon took the cloak from Sansa's hands, admiring all of the hard work and detailing she put into the garment. "Thank you, Sansa. This means a great deal to me."

"You're welcome," Sansa gave Jon a small smile before walking away.

"You ready for this, big brother?" Ella asked Jon as as he slipped his new cloak over his old one.

"I don't have a choice but to be, dear sister," Jon sighed. "You know you can stay here with Edd. I wouldn't think anything less of you if-"

"When are you going to get it through your thick skull that I'm with you no matter what," Ella interrupted her brother. She grabbed both of his hands, looking him dead in the eye. "We've fought beside one another for so long, Jon. I can't abandon you now."

Jon exhaled, his breath visible against the cold air. "You're right, Els. We have been through a lot together. And I promise, one day we will be at peace. You'll marry Tormund, and I- well, I don't exactly know what will happen to me. But we'll always have each other."

Ella chuckled nervously. "I doubt I'll marry Tormund. Ever since Sansa arrived with Brienne, he's been smitten with her. She's more mature than I am and older than me. I think he's more inclined to like her than me. I'm still a child in a sense, and she's a woman. She's an excellent fighter, and she kept Sansa alive all the way to here from Winterfell. She's good at protecting people. She's quite beautiful, too. She's tough, but she has a good heart.That's the kind of woman Tormund needs. Not a short, fragile weakling."

"Ella," Jon sighed, placing his large hand on her shoulder. "You are not a weakling. You are not a child. You have seen things and fought things that most grown men would shit themselves if they faced the White Walkers. Seven hells, Ella! You killed one. You can survive fire. Don't ever forget what you have done and what you continue to do. You fought for the wildlings to have their freedom. And Tormund is just surprised to see someone who could almost physically match him. He's intrigued with Brienne, that's all. He's too loyal to you. He follows you around like a lost puppy, Els. You two have been through too much for him to set you aside for someone else."

"I suppose you're right," Ella huffed. Her eyes lingered on Tormund as he smiled at Brienne of Tarth.

Edd soon joined Ella and Jon before they left Castle Black. The Snow twins greeted their friend, and Jon spoke first. "Don't knock it down while we're gone."

"I'll do me best," Edd gave the twins a smile. Jon stepped forward, pulling Ella and Edd into a small hug.

"Good luck out there, ya wolf twins," Edd told Jon and Ella.

"Thank you for everything, Edd," Ella said. "We wouldn't have come this far if it hadn't been for your friendship and help."

Edd smiled to the twins, sharing one last glance before they walked away. Ella climbed onto her pure black horse, and Asena beside her, just like Ghost did to Jon. The Snow twins gave one last glance around Castle Black, before Jon moved his horse, leading the group through the southern gates. Asena and Ghost found each other and trotted alongside a few wildlings. Ella exhaled a large puff of as the gates closed behind them. She did not know what lied ahead for them, but whatever was coming their way, she knew she wouldn't have to face it alone. 

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