Lady Mormont

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The first house closest to the wildling camp was Bear Island, the ancestral home of House Mormont

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The first house closest to the wildling camp was Bear Island, the ancestral home of House Mormont. A young girl, no older than the age of ten, received Sansa, Ella, Jon, and Davos upon their arrival to the Island. The castle was smaller than Winterfell by a long shot, but it was still beautiful nonetheless. It was brighter than Winterfell, and the castle was surrounded by rolling hills and forests. If it was this beautiful in the winter, Ella could only imagine how it must look in summer.

"Lady Mormont," Jon snow greeted the little lady.

"Welcome to Bear Island," she said with a stern voice. Ella saw no emotions spread across her face. Though the girl was young, harshness ran through her veins. Ella smiled slightly, thinking back to the letter the young Mormont sent to Castle Black. Bear Island knows no king but the king in the north whose name is Stark. Ella knew that her little sister was right, northerners were loyal to their own kind.

"I remember when you born, my lady," Sansa smiled. "You were named after my aunt Lyanna. She was said to be a great beauty. I'm sure you will be, too."

Ella could tell Sansa's words were lost on the young bear. Flattery would not get them far with Lyanna Mormont.

"I doubt it," Lyanna retorted harshly. "My mother wasn't a great beauty or any other kind of beauty. But she was a great warrior, though. She lost her life fighting for your brother, Robb."

Sansa was taken aback by her words. Not knowing what to say, she stepped back and Jon interjected. "My lady, I served under your uncle at Castle Black, Lady Lyanna. He was also a great warrior and an honorable man. I was his steward. In fact, I-"

"I think we've had enough small talk," Lyanna interrupted Jon. "Why are you here?"

A moment of silence fell over the hall, until Jon replied. "Stannis Baratheon garrisoned at Castle Black before he marched on Winterfell and was killed. He showed me the letter you sent him when he petitioned for men. It said-"

"I remember what the letter said," the lady interrupted once more.

"Bear Island knows no king but the King in the north whose name is Stark," Ella quoted. "Forgive me, my lady, but Robb Stark, our brother, is dead. Jon and I came here with our sister, a trueborn to Ned and Catelyn Stark. We are the last surviving children of House Stark. We've come here to ask for House Mormont's allegiance."

Lady Mormont darted her eyes to the lone wolf, examining her up and down. Little Lyanna turned to her maester, seeking his knowledge. Lady Mormont turned her attention back to the group and spoke. "As far as I understand, Jon and you are both Snows, not a Stark. And Lady Sansa is a Bolton? Or is she Lannister? I've heard conflicting reports."

"I did what I had to do to survive, my lady," Sansa stated. "I'm a Stark and will always be a Stark."

"If you say so," Lyanna rolled her eyes. "In any case, it's not just my allegiance you are after. You want my fighting men."

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