Winterfell Again

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Two weeks on the open sea and two days on horseback started to get to Ella

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Two weeks on the open sea and two days on horseback started to get to Ella. She grew tired with each passing day and was anxious to return to Winterfell for a peaceful night's sleep. The march to Winterfell drug on with each step her horse took, but they finally made it to her childhood home.

Ella marched next to Jon and Daenerys as they trudged through the deep snowfall of Wintertown. The crowds lined up on either side of the street while the Unsullied marched ahead and behind the trio. The Dragon Queen thought it best if the twins rode by her side, to show the King in the North supported her.

Ella scanned the crowds, her eyes noticing the glances the Northern people gave the silver-haired Queen. Northerners were stubborn, and didn't trust many outsiders.

"I warned ya," Jon whispered Daenerys. "Northerners don't much trust outsiders."

Daenerys remained impassive at his words. Just then, two large dragons flew right over their heads, causing the Northern people to duck or scatter. Screams filled the air as Daenerys watched her children fly ahead, smiling like any proud mother would at their children.

The train of Unsullied halted, surrounding the walls of Winterfell as a few Northern men carrying Stark banners ushered Jon and Ella through the stony gates. Daenerys followed behind them, as Ella grew anxious when the party came to a stop. Her remaining siblings, minus Arya, stood in the courtyard, waiting to greet their company.

Ella's blue eyes landed on Bran, who was clothed in brown furs and sat in a wheelchair. Jon and Ella immediately jumped from their horses and rushed to Bran, both kissing him on the head while hugging him.

The only thing Ella was missing now was her black furry friend, Asena and her sister Arya. In that moment, she felt something bump her behind the knee cap. The girl spun around to see what it was, but didn't see anything. Out of the corner of her eye, Ella saw a speck of black, causing her to look down. Plain as day, Ghost stood there, patiently waiting for the girl to acknowledge him. She bent down to her level and stroked her fur, then wrapped her arms around the wolf's neck.

"Asena," the girl whispered to her direwolf. "I missed you so much. It's good to see you girl." Her comment earned the a lick on the cheek from her black fury companion.

Ella rose just in time to watch Jon introduce Daenerys to his family. "Queen Daenerys of House Targaryen. Our sister, Sansa Stark, the Lady of Winterfell."

"Thank you for inviting us into your home, Lady Stark." The Dragon Queen smiled at the Northern Beauty. "The North is as beautiful as your brother and sister claimed. As are you."

Sansa sighed, instantly disregarding Daenerys's compliment. "Winterfell is yours, your Grace." Daenerys's smile faltered Ella recalled those very words Sansa spoke. The words Lord Eddard Stark spoke to Robert Baratheon the first time he arrived in Winterfell. Though, Ella knew her father meant those words to his best friend. Sansa's words were empty and passive. Daenerys Targaryen was not welcome to Winterfell by Lady Stark.

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