Beyond the Wall

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Time passed Ella quickly after the two years she spent at Castle Black

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Time passed Ella quickly after the two years she spent at Castle Black. During that time, her father was executed on the orders of Joffrey Baratheon. Robb Stark was declared King in the North and got involved in a war against four other kings. Ella's younger brothers Bran and Rickon were murdered by Theon Greyjoy. Arya whereabouts were unknown, and Sansa remained in King's Landing.

As for Ella, she never left Castle Black. Winterfell was destroyed, and she had nowhere to go. With many arguments and pleads with Lord Commander Mormont, the man allowed Ella to stay at the Wall. She spent her days with Maestar Aemon and Sam. During her time at Castle Black, Ella became a skilled swordsman. Not as good as Jon, but still good nonetheless. Ella also became an excellent archer. Going beyond the Wall to hunt for food allowed her the perfect practice. Ella made every shot, and she felt pride swell in her heart with every hit.

Life at the Wall was good to Ella, but she remained saddened by the death of her father and siblings. She hardly spoke a word to Jon or anyone else after they learned about Ned Stark. Every night, Ella dreamed of her father kneeling before Joffrey, watching as a bystander. Not able to move as the executioner sliced through her father's neck like a piece of meat. Ella felt that she did not deserve happiness, but she wondered if she would be truly happy again.

But everything changed one fateful day. Ella hunted with Asena by her side one morning, and the wolf discovered a few bodies along the tree lines. Morning brought the bodies into the castle, and they turned out to be wights. Jon and Ella fought them off and burned the bodies after the incident. Due to these unforeseen circumstances, Lord Morning led an expedition beyond the Wall. Ella was allowed to join, due to her healing techniques and capable fighting skills. Mormont knew they needed every person that could fight, and Ella was better with a sword and bow and arrow than most of the Brothers of the Watch.

During their journey beyond the Wall, Ella and Jon got separated from the rest of the Watch after they were attacked by wildlings. Asena and Ghost stayed with the Watch when their humans were lost. In their time apart from the brothers, Jon captured a red headed girl, and planned on taking her to Castle Black. But the twins were taken captive by a group of wildlings. They were met by a man Jon knew from the Wall, and he decided it was best for Jon to infiltrate the willing camp. He sacrificed his life, allowing Jon the opportunity to earn the wildlings' trust and be brought before their leader, Mance Rayder. Jon hoped to gain insight into Mance's plans.

And that's where Ella and Jon found themselves now. Being dragged before the King Beyond the Wall. Ella walked behind her brother, hiding in his shadow as she watched the wildlings eye them. Her eyes fell on a giant carrying large trees as if they were tooth picks. She inched closer to Jon, clinging to his fur coat as they entered a tent. Shouts of the wildlings calling her and Jon crowd faded as they passed through the animal-skinned flaps.

Ella remained behind Jon as her eyes roamed the tent. Her eyes landed on a burly dressed in gray clothes and furs, gnawing on a leg of meat. Ella felt nervous as the gruff man spoke.

"I smell crows," his deep voice boomed through the tent.

"He killed his friends," the Lord of Bones replied. "Thought we would want to question him."

"And what would we want with a baby crow?" The man asked.

" This baby killed Qoran Halfhand. He wants to be one of us," Ygritte answered for Jon.

The large man turned to Jon, eyeing him closely. He rose from his seat and towered over Jon's small stature. "The Halfhand killed friends of mine, friends twice your size."

"My father told me that big men fall just as quick as little ones,If you put a sword through their hearts." Jon said calmly.

Ella stood behind Jon, her eyes watching as the big man inched closer to Jon. "Plenty of little men tried to put their swords through my heart, and there's plenty of little bones buried in the forest."

The big man tried to intimidate Jon, but he did not move from his spot. "What's your name, boy?"

" Jon Snow," He replied, falling to his knees to kneel. "Your Grace."

Ella watched as the wildlings chuckled in unison. She felt small and exposed as Jon was no longer in front of her. The large man smiled at her, telling everyone to now before him now.

"Stand boy!" A raspy voice called to Jon, causing the playful banter to die down. "We do not kneel for anyone beyond the Wall."

Ella noticed a man in the corner begin to walk towards her and Jon. Jon quickly stood as the man halted in front of him and Ella.

"So, you are Ned Stark's bastard," the man smiled. He dismissed the Lord of Bones and Ygritte, leaving Jon and Ella alone with himself and the big man. "That man who you kneeled before us Tormund Giantsbane."

The man standing before them introduced himself as Mance Rayder, king beyond the Wall. "The girl likes you, and you like he back, Snow. Is that why you want to join us?" The man asked Jon.

"Don't worry boy," the giant man with the fiery red beard spoke. "This isn't the Night's Watch where we make you swear off girls. Though, you seem to not swear off all of them. You've been hiding that beauty behind ya since you entered, and yet, you haven't introduced us."

Tormund circled Ella, noticing how she trembled in fear as he eyed her. His blue eyes met hers for a moment before continuing to speak. "She is a beauty, little crow. I can see why you would want to keep her to yourself. Maybe once you're through with her, my men and I can have a go at her. I've always wanted to feel a southern woman."

"She's my sister," Jon snarled. "You lay a hand on her, and you'll earn the name Halfhand for yourself."

"Come girl," the older man gestured to Ella. "Step forward."

Ella stood before the man. His brown eyes swept over her as she wrapped her cloak tighter around her body.

"You're Ned Stark's other bastard?" He asked. Ella nodded her hear, her brown hair falling around her face.

"You are most peculiar," he stated. "Your hair is dark like your brother's but your eyes are almost silver. You have a name girl?"

Ella did not respond. She simply looked away as the man turned back to Jon. " What's wrong with her? She mute? "

"She hasn't talked much since our father was executed," Jon said. "And her name is Ella."

"Ah," the older man said. "Well, tell me Jon and Ella Snow! What do you both want to join us?"

"We want to be free," Jon said.

"No, I don't think so. What I think is that you want to be a hero. So I'll ask you one more time. Why do you want to join us?"

Jon was stumped. He couldn't think of anything to say. Luckily for them, Ella stepped forward and looked Mance in the eye. "Jon and I were at Craster's Keep not too long ago. We saw what came in the night. We saw what took his sons. That very thing is coming for us. Wildlings, men of the Watch, lords and ladies south of the Wall. Everyone. It's coming for all of us. And Jon and I want to fight for those who fight for the living."

"So the girl does speak," Mance smiled. "Tormund, help our friends find clothes. They're going to need to dress for the winter if they are to join us."

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