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Jon stalked away after Tyrion disappeared from the Dragon Pit

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Jon stalked away after Tyrion disappeared from the Dragon Pit. Ella joined her sulking brother, with Daenerys trailing behind her. Jon bent down and picked up a small bone from the dirt. He examined the it closely, before he spoke.

"No one's less happy about this than I am," Jon sighed as Daenerys stood by his side.

"I know," she said softly. "I respect what you did. I wish you hadn't done it, but I respect it."

Daenerys reached extended her hand out to Jon, causing him to pass the fragmented dragon bone over. The Dragon Queen looked to the sky, exhaling.

"This place was the beginning of the end for my family," Daenerys said.

The Dragon Queen spoke in a foreign language neither of the twins understood.

"A dragon is not a slave," she interpreted. The Dragon Queen began to step towards the outer ring of the Dragon Pit, causing Jon and Ella to follow behind her. "They were terrifying, extraordinary. They filled people with wonder and awe, and we locked them in here. They wasted away. They grew small, and we grew small as well. We weren't extraordinary without them. We were just like everyone else."

The Dragon Queen handed the jaw bone over to Ella. She examined the piece closely, noticing how tiny the bone was, along with its teeth. It had to be hard for Daenerys Targaryen. Being the last person in her family to survive. Being alone with no one to guide her. Ella felt a ping of sadness wash over her. She knew what that felt like, not to have parents. But at least she had Jon and her siblings at her side.

"You're not like everyone else," Jon reassured the Dragon Queen, filling the gap between them. "And your family hasn't seen its end. You're still here."

"I can't have children," Daenerys admitted.

"Who told you that?" Jon questioned her.

"The witch who murdered my husband," Daenerys replied.

"Not to be rude, your Grace," Ella said, "but have you ever thought that she might not have been the most credible source?"

Daenerys gave Ella a small smile, before changing the subject. "You two have been right from the beginning. If I had just trusted you, everything would be different now."

"So, what now?" Jon asked.

"I can't forget what I saw north of the Wall," Daenerys explained to the Snow twins. "And I can't pretend Cersei won't take back half the country the minute I march North."

"It appears that Lord Tyrion's assessment was correct then," Ella sighed. "We're all fucked."

Daenerys grinned at the lone wolf. All three of them knew that it was their responsibility to defeat the Army of the Dead. Daenerys had the numbers and two dragons. They had to join forces if they were to save Westeros and those who inhibit it.

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