thirty three.

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My heart pounded in my ears as we neared the manor. My thoughts and nerves were every where. i couldn't think straight about anything but ..Draco. Draco was the only thing i could think straight about. I hadn't seen him in 8 months and the thought of seeing him again made my heart jump for joy and drop to my feet.

What if he's not there?

What if he doesn't love me anymore?

What if he's gone..

What if he's... dead.

My throat began to tighten as i though of Draco being dead all this time but my thoughts are interrupted by the sound of the gates to the manor screeching open. I look up to see a large beautiful dark mansion if i weren't being dragged so harshly and under these circumstances maybe i could have enjoyed the manners dark beauty but that wasn't the case. Once we neared the big black doors a tiny bleeding house elf opened the door and immediately stepped out of the way once they realized who was at the door and stared at the floor as we were pushed into the manor.

As we are shoved into what seemed to be a living room of some sort. The man tightened his grip on me before he threw my down onto the floor along with Harry, Hermione and Ron i cringed at the stinging of my palms hitting the ice cold flooring.

I rushed towards the other to silently make sure they were okay not caring that there was for snatchers all around and we were probably in a house full of death eaters but before i'm able to a pair of hands drags me back causing me to wince and let's out a evil laugh seeing me wince in pain.

"Now who do we have here."

Her voice floods my ears and my eyes widened and my heart pounded in my ears.


She let out another evil laugh before she grabbed my face roughly digging her long nails into my cheeks causing me to let out a whimper.

"ANSWER ME" she yelled loudly getting in my face when i don't give her an answer right away.

"Paisley young" I said quietly as i tried to hold a straight face and not show her how frightened i really was. I could feel my cheeks become wet as her nails drew blood.

"Ah a pureblood.." she cackled before continuing she looked at me sadistically a evil smile edged up on her features.

"Hows dad?"

My eyes widened and a few tears escaped my eyes and rolled down my cheeks as a wave of grief hit i looked down as my brain came to the realization. I looked back up to see bellatrix looking at me with a smile.

She had killed my father.

She looked as if she was going to say something else but before she could 3 people walked into the room. i looked over and my blood stilled.

There he was.

He looked like he hadn't slept for days or eaten and his skin was almost see through but there he was.

He was there and he was alive.

Once he saw me his blank look turned into one of pure terror that he couldn't cover up quickly enough. I reluctantly looked away i didn't want anybody else to know about us. It could put the both of us in more danger so instead i closed my eyes and focus on a pressure of bellatrixes hand squeezing tightly on my face and her nails digging into my face and drawing blood.

"Bella" his cold voice rippled through my body causing me to shiver. Bellatrix turned around to see lucius, narcissa and draco standing in the hall way. She quickly let go of my face and pranced over to draco and pulled him towards us. The snatchers grabbed us and pulled us in a line in front of Draco.

"Now Draco tell us, is this harry potter and his friends" she says sadistically by Draco's ear. He gulps before he crouched down towards Harry.

"What wrong with his face?" He asks scrunches up him face while he looked at harry oddly.

"That's how we found em" One of the snatchers said from behind me causing me to shiver.

Draco looked back at harry before standing up and shaking his head and saying

"I couldn't be sure" He says nervously. Lucius quickly walks up behind him and whispers something that's just quiet enough to where i couldn't hear him from where i was sitting.

Bella stepped forward towards me

"Take the boys to the cellar. It's time to teach paisley here not to hang around blood traders and filthy mud bloods" she says looked over a Hermione in disgust.

My heart dropped as i watched the boys fight to stay with us as they were dragged by snatchers down to the cellar then to draco who now looked more scared then me. i looked him in the eyes as bellatrix babbled on about what she was gonna do to me. I silently begged him to stop her.

He didn't.

He just stared at me in disbelief and a terrified look on his face and stayed glued to his spot by his mother who seemed apologetic. Her eyes were sad as they tried to silently confert draco. I looked away from draco as i focused my attention on the rage of what bellatrix had done to my father.

"Ah. I know the perfect way..." She said as she pulled her wand out and pushed the tip of it on my chin forcing me to look her in the eyes.


The curse ripped through my body. I let out a agonizing scream as the pain felt as if hot knives were digging into my skin and my nerves were being flayed. I screamed as the agonizing pain continued. I screamed and writhed until my throat was raw and i could taste my blood from biting my tongue to stop myself from screaming and giving her satisfaction. I thrashed as the curse was cast again more powerful then the first one. I could feel my insides twisting into knots as if they were trying to escape the blinding pain.

My head throbbed as the pain built and built but with no release. I could hear the faint screams of someone who seemed to be yelling for her to stop but that seemed to only make her even more angry. She shot the curse one last time even worse then the last. The pain shot through my body like it was in fire. I let out a strained scream as the pain continued and it made me dizzy and reel.

Then finally after what felt like an eternity the pain stopped, yet it didn't. The curse itself was ended, but the agony remained.  I could feel my brain scrambling for an escape. To get away from all the suspended agony.

Just stop

Just break.

Begging for a release.

But i couldn't.

Then the feeling of wanting to fall asleep over came my body.

And the last thing i felt was unfathomable pain and a great darkness.

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