twenty one.

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I can feel his arms wrap around my body. He pulls me close to him I lay my head on his chest and listen to his heart beat. god only knows how much iv missed being in his arms

"Draco" I say so softly I was sure that he couldn't hear me.

"Yes darling" he half whispers like he isn't sure he's answering a question he wants to answer or not.

"Why didn't you just tell me "

He sighs and gets up pushing me against the wall.

"You think i wanted to keep this from you!?" he yells


"No no! You don't get to say anything. You left me - you fucking left me Paisley. You left me for something I don't even want-Something i didn't have a choice in." he yells but I can hear his voice breaking. I stand up and continue to listen to him. I cross my arms to keep myself from shaking.

He runs his fingers through his hair and lets out a long sigh trying to keep himself together.

"You should have just told me Draco! But no you decided to keep it from me. I could have helped you if you would have just told me damnit!" I yell flinging my arms to my sides. I sigh looking down at him and all the anger floods out of me and i walk up to him and kiss him and walk away leaving him in the empty corridor.

dracos pov

God damnit you stupid bastard why did you yell? I sigh running my fingers through my hair and walk back to the dorm room and crawl into bed not even bothering to get undressed

"Draco?" Blaise says

"What Blaise"

"Do you really love her"

I pause to think about what he'd just asked. Of course i fucking loved her. Id die before i ever let anything happen to her. She was my everything. The only good thing i had in my life- even if it was only for that short period of time.


"Then you need to tell her before its to late"

"Why?" I asked because i honestly didn't see a point. It was obvious that she hated me and was hurt over me not being honest with her.

"Because I can see the way she looks at you. the way her eyes light up when she sees you and when she's with you. And how much she makes you happy."

I let out a small chuckle having a hard time believing what was coming out of Blaise's mouth.

"I'm serious dude. Iv never seen you so happy- generally happy that it almost scares me. Draco i think shes made you soft " he chuckles a bit at the end.

"So tell her before its too late" he says before rolling over.

I let out a deep sigh as he leaves me with my thoughts.

paisleys pov

I hadn't talked to Draco since Slughorns party and that was weeks ago. If I'm being honest I don't know how much longer I'm going to be able to stay away from him.

We have been apart for 2 months now and it was complete torture . Today feels weird though- like there's an impending doom that I just cant shake off. I can tell my close friend Luna Lovegood can feel it too. I have a feeling Luna knows what it is but she just simply wont tell me. 

"He didn't " i laughed walking arm and arm with Hermione as we walk the halls  together.

"He totally did" Hermione says giggling as we walk from charms.

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