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The next few weeks I'd been ignoring Draco which he was conveniently doing the same. my days are slow and blurred. I now spend most of my time locked up in my dorm. Hermione often comes to check up on me in-between her classes. I haven't told her what happened though I have a feeling she has an idea. My every though was of him which was making everything so much harder.

I missed him

I missed him so damn much

i missed his touch

his voice


I sigh as I drag myself out of bed. I put a smile on my face and get in the shower. I wasn't going to let him effect me any longer. I get out of the shower and get dressed. I grab my things and head out the common room for the first time in days.

I walk into the great hall and naturally my eyes wonder over to the Slytherin table but he's not there. I couldn't help myself from feeling sad. I sigh  Its for the best as I make my way over the Hermione Ron and Harry who all give me worried looks.

I smile at them and take a seat. "Hey guys" I say as I grab a piece of toast. they look at each other worriedly then back at me "Hey" they say in unison. I smile and take a bite of toast. The bells ring and I stand up and Harry and Hermione and I make our way to astronomy. We take a seat as we wait for miss Sinistra to begin class which doesn't take long and class begins.

Class is the same as it was weeks ago long and boring. I was not looking forward to next class because I had it with a certain someone and I couldn't help but feel nervous to see him. I missed him so much I don't think I would be able to keep myself from kissing him or being near him.

The bells ring and I say my goodbyes to harry and Hermione and make my way down to the dungeons to potions class.

My nerves going everywhere. I walk into class and look around hoping to see him -actually wanting to see him but has not there. I sigh and take a seat in my normal spot and take out my potions book as professor slughorn began class. Slughorn announces that we would be brewing a potion called The Draught of Peace "Now we will be working in partners today. The person who's seated behind you is your partner" Everyone shifts to see who there partner is. I look behind me and see Blaise. I sigh no no not his best friend . Blaise gets up and takes a seat next to me. I sigh and get up to get the caldron and the ingredients. I set everything onto the table and wait for slughorn to let us begin.

"Now what dose this Draught of Peace potion do exactly?" Professor slughorn asks the class.

I raise my hand when nobody else does and say "The Draught of Peace is a potion that relives anxiety and agitation."

"Ah very good miss Young " Slughorn says smiling at me. "Okay class begin your potion" he says clapping his hands and begins to walk around the class watching the students begin their potions.

I look at my potions book and start the potion. "Add powdered moonstone until potion turns green" Blaise adds it and it turns green. "You know he misses you" he says while stirring.

I startle at his words. Not knowing how to feel about them or what to do with them. i look over at him and then look back at my book. Not wanting to think about Draco anymore. I already did enough of that these days.

We continue the potion and watch as it correctly changes colors. The potion turns white which means it was brewed correctly. I raise my hand to signal that we were done. Professor Slughorn gets up and slowly makes his way over to us.

"Ah great job you two brewed it perfectly" He says nodding with approval before walking away to the other students who were done or just now getting done. I start to clean up putting everything back into its place. I close my book and slide it into my book bag.

"You should really talk to him you might not have another chance to" he says.

Before I can ask him what he means by that the bells ring and he walks out of the classroom leaving me confused and full of questions. I sigh and slowly start to gather my things my thoughts going a million miles per second.

"Ah miss young can i speak to you?" Slughorn asks from his desk. I nod and make my way up to him "I'm throwing a party Friday night and I would love it if you would attend." he says "May I ask what's this party for professor?" I ask "Ah its nothin to big just a few of my brightest students" he says smiling.

"Oh okay. okay yeah sure ill be there" I say half smiling. "That's great thank you. I'll see you there then" he says smiling. I nod and grab my things and walk out of the classroom and to my next class.

The rest of the day went by smoothly other then a few upset and concerned teachers since id been skipping class for weeks although I'm guessing Hermione told them i was super sick because they kept saying that they were happy I was feeling better.

Thanks Hermione

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