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I gave up trying to sleep and simply opted on watching Draco sleep. His face is no longer tense and hard but rather soft and relaxed. I lift my hand up and traced the lines of his face. Starting from his eyebrows then tracing the soft curve of his lips to his chin.

"What time is it" His deep voice grumbles out.

"Almost 6" I say quietly as i still admire his face. He slowly opens his eyes and blinks a few times and looks at me. Stares before saying

"Did you sleep?" he asks softly.

I shake my head no. He sighs and pulls me close and engulfing me into his for once warm body. I sigh softly burying my head into him.

"It's going to be fine."

It's not

"It's not me i'm worried about." I whisper.

He doesn't say anything for a long moment i shift and look up at him. He looks down at me studying me before saying

"Don't worry about me"

I shift out of his hold and sit up looking at him

"Draco i do worry about you. I worry all the damn time and i- i can't lose you. I can't and if i do i- " I choke back a sob blinking past the tears begging to be shed.

"I can't lose you. Ever" I say grabbing his face. Worry written all over my face. My heart beat fastens and it's suddenly hard to breathe again. I grip the bed sheets hard almost to the point of ripping them before a rush of nausea hits me and i'm tripping into bathroom and throwing up again. Draco is not someone i can lose. Ever. And just the mere thought of losing him has me hurling.

Draco was there seconds later pulling my hair back out of my face, rubbing my back and whispering soothing words into my ears. Throwing up the last bits of what was in my stomach i wiped my mouth before Draco pulled me into him. Holding me tight and pressing soft kisses to my temple as i heaved breath into my burning lungs.

Tears slip down my checks. If the mere thought of losing Draco sent me into a panic attack then what would happen if i actually lose him do to me.


I will not lose Draco. I would not lose Draco even if it ment letting the world burn just so i could have him.

And i was okay with that.

and that scared me.

A few hours later and i was pacing in his room as he warded it so that no one could detect that i was here. I stopped took a deep breath and turn to the desk and flipped through a book on ancient runes. Reading through and finally finding one that would work i let out a sigh of relief.

Draco who came up behind me after finishing the protective wards.

"Are you sure that will work?" he mutters

I nod.

"There's just one problem. It requires dark magic and a pure bloods blood to draw the runes on the back of the person who you want to go undetected." I underline the words with my finger so he can read it himself over my shoulder. I turn to Draco shaking my head.

"There's another one but i'm not sure it will be very effective." I flip to the page and read it out loud.

"Draw a circle of dark salt around the person you want to go undetected and draw theses runes" I
say pointing to the picture of the runes.

Draco study's the runes for a second longer before running his hand through his hair and flipping back to the first one.

"We'll do this one" He says pointing to the page and beginning to read the steps.

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