thirty eight.

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Waking up after getting very little sleep was a task. I Groaned at the light shining in as it spilled over the room. Draco pulled me closer holding me tighter and closer to his chest. I smiled at him before rolling out of his arms and walking- waddling to the bathroom. My bones no longer had the deep ache in them and the cuts and bruises were finally healed all the way up but after all the sex we'd been having my body was still sore.

Walking to the bathroom I went pee before turning the shower on. Taking my cloths off I walked into the shower. The hot water streaming down my body immediately warming me up. Closing my eyes as the hot water streams down my body. A smile made its was upon my features when i felt him walk in behind. Pulling me close and wrapping his arms around me i leaned into his touch letting out a sigh.

"Taking a shower with out me my love?" He asked kissing the shell of my ear.

His morning voice shuddered through me leaving goosebumps in its wake. Leaning back into him and looking up at him i smiled before leaning in to kiss him. He kissed me back so gently it made my heart ache with pure love for this man.

We fall into our little routine that we just happend to create. I step out of the shower walking up to the counter in the bathroom and began to dry myself off. I look up at my self and paused.

Dropping the towel on the ground i looked at myself in the mirror. A tight ball lodged itself in my throat. I lift my arm to trace a particularly large scar on my stomach. The rough skin feels foreign to me. Its rough and jagged. Im not really sure when or where i got it but it makes me feel ugly. I feel ugly. And its not the only one i have. Theres several scattering in diffrent places on my body. I trace each of them. Theres a burning that's coming from the back of my eyes and it's getting harder and harder for me to see clearly and i know that they shouldnt bother me so much but they do.

They do.

Im so consumed in my scars that i dont hear the shower turn off and Draco walking up behind me. He covers my hands with his. I look up at him in the mirror. I'm not sure what to say so i just stay silent and he dose too for a moment longer before me pulls me tighter against him and gently squeezes.

"Your beautiful." He whispers softly, meeting my gaze in the mirror.

"There ugly" I say tracing over one of the bigger scars hating the way the jagged skin feels under my finger tips.

Draco stares at me for a moment before turning me around to look at him. His eyes are soft as he looks at me.

"Your absolutely gorgeous. The scars on your body make no difference other then telling a story that you made it. That you survived. And if anyone says differently there incompetent and wrong."

There wrong.

"There's not an ugly spot on your body. Your beautiful from the inside out. And i could go on and on about how beautiful you are but if i'm being honest beautiful isn't even the sufficient way to describe you."

He leans down and gently kisses each and every one of my scars. And i don't think words could fully explain how much i loved him.

" Your so beautiful" he whispers softly.

A single tear falls down my cheek at his words and actions. He reaches up and brushes it away with his thumb. I lean into his warmth before nodding. He gives me a small smile kisses my temple before walking out of the bathroom to get dressed.

I stand there for a little bit longer replaying his words in my head before i make my way back into the bedroom. I throw on a pair of jeans and one of dracos sweaters because it was a bit drafty today. I run my fingers through my hair and braid it out of my face. 

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