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Paisley pov.

A few hours pass by and i'm finally finished with the potions homework. Thank merlin i sigh and begin to pack my things up and make my way back into the castle.

I make my way down the several floors and to the potions classroom. i twist the door quietly saying the password that slug horn had given me so i would be able to turn my homework in since he wouldn't be here this weekend. i quickly set the parchment down and walk out of the dark classroom and quietly shut the door.
"Young?" I hear a deep voice say behind me. i quickly turn around and see that Blaise was looking at me confused.
"What are you doing down here" he asks looking at me.

"Oh i was just turning the homework in to slug horn why?" I say quietly with a smile.
"Ah okay. Have you see Draco? I haven't seen him since yesterday?" He asks

"No i haven't since this morning" I say with a slight blush appearing on my cheeks. "Ok um yeah thanks.. " he says before walking back into the Slytherin common room. Hmm maybe Blaise isn't as bad as i thought he was.

My thoughts are interrupted when i feel a familiar pair of hands snake there way around my waist. Draco. "Hello there" he whispers in my ear which sent chills down my body. I smile turning around to see him. "Hello" I say softly before placing a kiss on his lips which he returns.

"Where have you been? Blaise said that he hasn't seen you since yesterday? I thought you came back down here" I ask as i play with his cold hand and rings . "Oh i was talking to snape about class." he says but the way his body tensed up i could tell he was lying but i shrug it off not wanting to question him anymore -well at least not here.

"Okay" I say  leaning into him and kissing him again."Come on" he says as he grabs my hand and pulls me forward leading me. "Draco where are we going" I ask as he guides me. "You'll see my love" he says softly and glancing back and smiling warmly and blushing at his words. 'my love'

We walk out of the castle and through the fields and to a small secluded area by the black lake. Draco sat down at the base of a tree and i sat down leaning  into his chest. We watch the lake for a bit in a comfortable silence. "This is one of my favorite places to come think or just get away from everyone and have some peace and quiet" he says breaking the silence. I nod my head and lean closer to him. "You know you can tell me anything" I say and i grab the necklace around my neck and begin to play with it.

He looks over and smiles "You like the necklace?" he says looking over at me smiling. "Yes i do..wait are you the one who got it for me?" I ask looking at him and a huge smile. He chuckles and nods "Of course". I smile and kiss his on the cheek softly "Thank you" I say quietly looking off into the distance of the black lake. It was so dark and scary looking but it had a beauty and calmness to it that i liked.

I move my body and position myself to sit on draco s lap. "I have to leave for the rest of the weekend but i'll be back soon" I say cupping his cheeks. "Noo" he sighs dramatically and pouts playfully. "Oh come on draco don't pout" I say playfully shoving his shoulder. "I'll be back Monday" I say as i run my hands down his blazer. He pulls me in hugging me tightly. "Im going to miss you" He says still hugging me. "I'll miss you too but it's only one day" I say looking at him.

He sighs "I know but i'll still miss you" he say pulling me close and putting his arm around me. I smile he's so cute. "Come on... help me pick my dress" I say looking at him with and smirk and a giggle. I grab his hand pulling him into me as we make our way back into the castle and into the dorms.

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