twenty five.

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The next few days we as busy as i thought they would have been. The boys have been cleaning up the yard and attempting to put up a beautiful white tent while Mrs. Weasley, Hermione and i planted flowers all around the house and cleaned the insides of the house. Tomorrow was the day of the wedding and I couldn't help myself from feeling excited. Even though i was exhausted from all the running around I'd been doing I was thankful to keep mine busy from thinking about Draco.

I honestly loved weddings and the Weasleys always had the best weddings in my opinion. I couldn't stop myself from wondering if me and Draco would ever get married. Would he even want to get married? have kids? would we even survive to make those things possible? i shook my head stopping myself from having anymore thoughts about the future and focus on what going on now.

I had to prepare for a wedding then somehow I had to find 6 horcruxes, destroy them and not get killed in doing so. I sat on the edge of my bed and reach over to the piles of books Hermione had been smart enough to grab when the attack at Hogwarts happened. I felt a pang in my heart and relived the last few seconds id had with Draco and i could feel a tear glide down my cheek.

I quickly wipe it was as i look up seeing Hermione quietly walk into the room. she looked at me and gave me a cheerful smile that I tried my best to return. I sighed and began to undress and getting into my sleep cloths and slip under the blankets and stair up at the ceiling. I sit there quietly as Hermione dose the same and slips into her bed.

We sit there like that for a few minutes before she breaks the silence.

"Do you love him- or are you in love with him?" She asked softly not looking over at me.

It takes me a few minutes to come up with a reply not really sure how to answer her question at first but After a few more minutes i finally say

" I-i think. I'm in love with him" I say confidently and continue with

"And that terrifies me"

I hear the ruffle of her pillow indicating that she turned and was now looking over at me. I turn on my side and look over at her.

"why?" she asks curiously.

I turn away from her and back at the ceiling before answering her not really wanting to look her in the face.

"Because now he can hurt me " I say almost at a whisper hating how it sounded.

I look back over to her see open and close her mouth as if she was going to say something but decided against it. I let out a soft sigh and look back up at the ceiling before continuing

"And I think I'm okay with that." I pause before letting out a small chuckle and continuing once more .

"That boy could break my heart into a million pieces and i would pick it up and put it right back into his hands. He fills in all the blanks. Puts all my broken pieces back together an seals them up with his love- and in the end he leaves me filled with happiness and i still haven't figured out how to just simply look at him and not be madly in love with everything he does. I'm completely and utterly love with that boy- and it's completely consuming. The way we looks at me makes me feel so special and i know some times he may seem hard headed and not worth my love but he tries- really. I mean it's not that he can't love- it's that he's afraid. But i'm with him. For better or for worse. It'll probably be worse- but i knew that the day i met him." I say quietly. It was a relief to be able to get some of that off my chest. It felt good being able to tell someone how i felt.

She shifts and lets out a breath.

"I'm happy for you" she says finally looking over at me.

I smile slightly. I hear Hermione shuffle and get up and grab something from underneath her bed. I sit up and watch her pull a medium sized pouch out from under her bed. She pulls it up and reaches her arm into the pouch and rummages around in it until She pulls out a familiar green hoodie and hands it to me the soft material sinking into my finger tips. I look and see her smiling slightly.

"I brought it just in case you ended up coming back.."

I grab the hoodie and pull it close and  notice that it was Draco's quidditch hoodie that he had given me. ilI smile and pull it closer to me taking in his intoxicating scent.

"Thank you" I say before slipping the hoodie on.



I pause slightly partially debating on saying this before i say it anyways knowing that no matter way Hermione would never judge me.

"Do you think we'll survive.. you know when we leave" i ask quietly honestly a little scared of what her answer might be.

It takes her a few minutes like she's debating to reply.

"I don't know. But we'll try like hell. I mean we have to. We have to win and kill him for the sake of the whole world." Her voice trembles a little like she's finally understanding the weight that was on our shoulders.

"Your right and we will- for the sake of the whole world " I say looking over at her. She nods and turns over to face the wall.

I fell asleep quickly happy to have a part of Draco with me even if it was simply just his quidditch hoodie. It made me feel like he was still with me. Even if we were physically apart.

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