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The next few days McGonagall had us working in partners. I'd gotten partnered up with Draco which i was happy about since i didn't get to spend as much time with him ever since Christmas break ended and i had missed spending time with him.

I walked over to the back of the classroom to where Draco was twirling his quill in his hand. I smiled at him sitting down next to him. "Hello there beautiful" he says before sneaking a quick kiss on the cheek. i could feel myself blush. "Hello handsome" I say grinning. We ended up talking for most of the class but we managed to start working when there was a little bit of class time left.

I pulled out my wand and began practicing the new spells McGonagall had assigned us. She had laid out a matchbox for us to turn into an animal. I had managed to get it on the second try turning the matchbox into a horse. I'd always loved horses. My parents actually gifted me a horse when i was young that i used for Muggle Horse shows. Of course they never knew about them. They would have my head if they ever learned that there daughter was participating in such dangerous events.It was something i'd done in secret and enjoyed. I smiled watching the horse run around the desk. I glance over to Draco to see he'd turned his into a dog.

Sadly class ended and me and Draco went our separate ways. The rest of classes went by pretty quick which i was happy about because the quidditch match was today. I'd met up with Hermione on my way down to the stands and we sat together on the Gryffindor side.

After a few minutes both teams walked onto the field and lined up and the game began. I watch as Draco looked for the snitch. In the first 10 minutes of the game we were already tied 20-20 which is really good for it only being the first ten minutes of the game. We watched as the game continued each team making points it was now 50-40 Gryffindor losing by ten points so far. I looked around to see Harry and Draco fighting for the snitch. They were going extremely fast towards the ground and i stood up to get a better look my heart racing.

Seconds from the ground Draco pulled up thankfully and not hitting the ground but Harry ended up catching the snitch and pulling up fast enough not to hit the ground. The Gryffindor side erupted in cheers and claps. I couldn't help but cheer too. what? i liked winning.

The crowd began to make there way onto the field and congratulating Harry for winning us the game. i hugged Harry quickly and congratulated him and snuck off quickly to go meet up with Draco which i don't think anybody noticed because they were all to busy with Harry.

I looked over to the group of Slytherins patting Draco on the back and telling him good game even though they didn't win. I couldn't help but smile and walk up to him. "Good game" I say as i hugged him. He chuckled "I lost though" he said trying to look mad which made me giggle. "Well you looked good doing it" I say smiling. He kissed me on the cheek and we walked to the castle together. He held my hand as we walked through the empty corridors as it looked as we were the first ones to get back. "You know i miss hanging out with you all the time " I say quietly. He smiled and pulled me closer. "I miss that too" he said as we walked. He walked me to the common room. "I'll see you tomorrow?" I ask kissing his soft lips.

and that's when it happens.

"Oh my god" I hear Ron say. I pull away and look over to see Hermione Ron And Harry looking at me with so much hate in there eyes  i could feel my heart break. "Guys i can explain" I say quickly walking up to them. Harry looks at me "What were you thinking paisley"  I open and close my mouth to say something but the lump in my throat tells me otherwise.

I can feel hot tears falling down my cheeks. I look over to Hermione who's looking at me with pure disgust. Ron doesn't even look at me. They push past me and into the common room. I watch them as they go straight to there dorm room. "Paisley don't worry about them.. you don't need them." I hear Draco say behind me. I look back at him and glare. I walk into the common room and go straight to the dorm. I walk in to see Hermione. "Hermione please.." I trailed off trying to hold back tears. "What the hell were you thinking Paisley?" You know the history we have with Malfoy. You know how much Harry hates him."

I scoff. "You act like i looked through a book of harry's most hated and picked one to kiss" I say crossing my arms.  Anger building in me. Hermione looked at me. "Im going to bed we can talk about this more tomorrow i guess..." She says as she changes. I sigh and nod all the anger leaving me at once. Changing and crawling into bed i lay down and stare at the ceiling.

There's no way i'm losing my best friends over a boy. They've always been there for me and i'm not going to jeopardize my friendship.  I know what i have to do.

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