twenty three.

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The second I got back Hogwarts I knew something was wrong. The castle that used to give me butterflies gave me goosebumps. The normal happy chatters are gone and its replaced with hushed whispers and hurried foot steps. I look around the castle and I cant shake the feeling that somethings not right and something bad happened. The castles scarily quiet and has an eerie feel to it there's nobody around and the paintings are even quiet.

I continue to walk down the abandoned corridors as the unsettling feeling grows like a pit in my stomach.


I freeze as I hear his deep voice. but its not the same its different then what it normally sounds like demanding, sexy, now it sounds broken and scared .

I turn  around to see Draco who generally looks petrified like he'd just see someone die or he'd just done something unforgivable  He looks so tired- his pale skin looks even more pale, his bags are now promit on his face and his cheeks look sunken in like it hasn't eaten or slept in days.

The second we lock eyes all the emotions seem to rush to his face

I smile for the first time in months and run towards him and jump into his arms. I fight back tears as his last words echo through my mind over and over like they did when i was back home.

"I love you too" i say pulling him closer to myself his intoxicating cologne filling my lungs and for the first time in months I finally feel like I'm home.

"Paisley what the hell are you doing here? " he asks trying to sound angry but coming out more scared for my safety.

I cross my arms and furrow my eye brows looking at him angrily.

"If you would have read my letters you would know that i was coming back Draco! " I seethe as my blood began to boil.

He begins to shake and harshly grabs my arm pulling me towards an empty classroom. He pushes me in and quickly shuts the door behind him peaking out the small window to see if anyone was around and saw them enter the classroom.

I look at him confused his facial expressions are hard to read but it's clear to me he looks scared and guilty ? Shameful?

He grabs my shoulder and looks at me worriedly "You need to leave-its not safe here" He stutters out as a wave of panic settles on his face. He shove's his hand onto his pocket and pulls out his wand  and slips it into my hands. I adjust to the odd feeling of his wand. I look at him confused and now scared as the worried look on his face doesn't disappear.

I push his wand into his chest giving it back to him

"What the hell is the matter with you?!" I ask looking at him nervously.

"Loo-" before he can fully get his sentence out there's a loud explosion of what sounds like a hexs hitting a wall. I gasp running to the window to see what the hell was going on. I look out the window but see nothing it must be in the next corridor. I look back over to Draco who looks even more terrified as he did minutes ago.

"What's going on Draco?" I ask looking at him wide eyed fear seeping its way onto my face.

He harshly grabs my hand putting his wand back into it.

"Look you need to stun me and leave Hogwarts NOW.  i don't care where you go it just cant be here."

I scrunch my face up confused on why i would need to hex Draco then leave. "No draco -I'm not stunning you. i-i cant hurt you anymore then iv already done... i love you to much" I trail off looking at his metallic gray eyes.

"You have to stop loving me -forget about me!" he yells angrily.

I cross my arms and look at him in disbelief. I back up slightly taken back by the harshness of his words. My heart sinks and all of a sudden it feels as if i cant breath. I look him dead in the eyes and say

"I cannot un love you. I cannot forget the way your voice sounds in the middle of the night. I cannot forget the way your lips feel pressesed against mine. I cannot forget the way you look when your sleeping." I pause stepping closer to him.

" I cant beacuse im yours with every inch of flesh and bone in my body and every ounce of love instilled in me, I belong to you with every subtle though that slips my mind; and every void space in my empty soul i belong to you. "

" And I'm not going anywhere. i wont leave and I'm not giving up. And i will be here every single time you need me. You can doubt it. You can try and push me away because you think ill just leave anyways but that will never be true. I don't care if there are a hundred million reasons to leave. I wont. because your the only reason ill ever need to stay."

"Were in this together" i say looking at him.

He doesn't say anything for a few minutes as if he's trying to process what iv just told him. He just stares at me like he's taking in every detail of my face as if its the last time he's going to see it.

Just before I'm able to say something his lips meet mine hungerly. My hands naturally find the back of his head as i run my fingers through his soft blonde hair.


I hear Hermione yell from just outside the hallway. i quickly pull away from Draco a run to the door pulling it open seeing a man standing at the end of the hallway confused.

Hermione looks over to me pointing her wand up me. She lowers her wand when she sees me but puts it back up when Draco walks out from behind me

"Hermione!" I say stepping in front of Draco as if telling her if she dose something to him shell be doing to her as well.

She drops her wand by her side "Paisley what are you doing back?" she questions me.

"I was coming back to finish the term.." I say looking at her confused.

"What's going on" I ask looking from Hermione to Draco and then back to Hermione . 

"Someone" she pauses looking at Draco as if he was going to hex her or call her a dirty name again "Someone let death eaters into the castle."

I gasp and look at Draco who had a shameful look on his face. I grab his hand a squeeze it reassuringly even though she knew that he's the one who had let them in.

She looks back a Hermione confused.

"But how did they get past Dumbledore"

Hermione looks down then back up to her.

"He's dead paise"

I let out a gasp. Another explosion of hexes stop me from asking  anymore questions.

"Paisley you need to go with Granger" I hear Draco say softly.

I turn to look at him. No matter how much i wanted to stay with him right now i knew that it was not safe for either of us.

"Well get through this" I say cupping  his face in my hands. I lean in and kiss him gently.

"Come on we have to go" Hermione urges me as she watches for any death eaters to come around the corners.

"I love you Draco" I say backing away from him my heart breaking.

"I love you to" he whispers.

And that's the last time i saw him before aperating with Hermione to the burrow.

okay yeah i hate the way i ended this chapter but it was rushed bc i wanted to get a chapter out to you guys!! hope you enjoyed this chapter and i'm going to try to get another chapter out as soon as possible!! love you guys!!!

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