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We finally arrived at the castle after the long carriage ride and made our way to the great hall to sit and eat. Dumbledore began his speech and welcomed us back and then the feast began.

We ate and received our schedule. I had Astronomy and Herbology with Hermione and Harry. Which left me the rest of my classes without any of them. We soon made our way up to our dorms and i began to unpack my luggage and began to get ready for bed since classes started in the morning. "Goodnight" I said to Hermione as I pulled the blankets over me and blew out the candle next to my bed. I slowly fell asleep after tossing and turning with excitement.

I woke up to see that Hermione had already left for breakfast. That girl was always an early riser and always wanted to be the first to class so it didn't surprise me to see her side of the dorm empty. I stretched and got out of my warm cosy bed and turned the shower on. I undressed and got into the shower feeling the hot water run down my body. Once I was done putting my clothes on and getting ready I grabbed my books and headed out of the dorm.

I made my way over to the great hall to grab a bit of breakfast before class and took a seat next to Harry who was eating some bacon. I smiled at them and began to grab a piece of toast and adding jelly to it. I looked over to see Hermione reading a book

"Hermione class hasn't even started and your already got your head in your books."

I chuckled as she gave me a playful eye roll. Soon the bell rang and Hermione, Harry and I begin to make our way to astronomy. We took our seats and made small talk while we waited for Professor Sinistra to began class.

Soon enough she walked in and everyone fell quiet. She began the lesson and I found myself bored out of my mind. I tapped my quill against the desk to keep myself somewhat busy. After what seemed like forever the bell rang and I said my goodbyes to Hermione and Harry and made my way over to potions. I found a empty seat next to Neville who was one of my good friends.

Snape began his lesson speaking in his normal monotoned voice when I felt someone staring at me. I glance around the room to see him staring at me again. I smile and blush and quickly look away and hope that nobody had saw it.

After a long day classes were finally over and I began walking to the common room and noticed a group of people standing huddled together. I made my way over to see what the commotion was about and noticed that Fred Weasley was telling everyone about a party that he was throwing. Fred's party's were always fun so I decided that I would be going.

I continued to walk to the common room and sat in my favorite spot which was closest to the fire and pulled out my potions book and began to start the homework Snape had Assigned the first day back. Once Id finally finished I made my way up to the dorms. I looked through my trunk and found a satan black dress my mom had given me for christmas last year after seeing it when window shopping . I looked over to see Hermione smiling as she was in a sparkling white dress, she had her hair pulled back in a sleek ponytail. she had her makeup done simply with a shimmery eyeshadow to match her dress.

I gasped as I looked at her.

"Oh you look gorgeous Hermione"

She smiled and did a spin showing off her new dress. "I didn't think you were coming to fred's party, or I would have asked you to get ready with me" She said smiling looking at herself in the mirror. She looked happy. I didn't expect her to want to come to the party, especially on the first day back but I wasn't going to complain. I mean come on Hermione Granger going to a party willingly? Crazyyy.

"Thats okay I had some homework to finish up anyways. You know snape always jumps right into giving homework.

I said to her while I slipped on my black dress. Itwas short and was just above my knees with an open back. My mother didn't approve of it but she bought it for me anyways. I curled my hair and threw a matching pair of black heals and quickly did my makeup. I smiled at myself in the mirror. "You look gorgeous" I heard Hermione say from behind me. I smiled before thanking her and added a few last minute touches. I grabbed my wand and secured it to my thigh making sure it was carefully hidden and we headed to Fred's party.

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