twenty six.

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The next morning Hermione and i woke up bright and early to help with the finishing touches for the wedding. Molly had been running us ragged the last few days so i was happy that it was finally the wedding day and that i could finally take a second to relax.

Bill and flur were scheduled to arrive at 2 so that the wedding could begin at 3. Hermione and i helped with the rest of the little details for the wedding décor such as baking the appetizers and little baked goods for the guest to eat. Once were we're finally finished as hours and hours of baking we headed up with Ginny to start to get ready for the wedding.

"I know i have something in here"

Ginny says while digging in her closet. After a good few minutes she pulls out a Satan red dress, a long black dress and a medium length dark blue dress. She walked over to me and held each dress up to me before handing me  the short Satan red one, and doing the same to Hermione and handing her the long black one. I slipped my clothes off and slipped the tight red dress on that hugged my curves surprisingly well since it wasn't my dress and stood in front of Ginny's mirror.

I let out a small gasp when i looked myself in the mirror. Flashes of Draco's soft lips on mine for the first time flooded my mind and left me feeling all tingly and with a pang in my heart of not being near him i shook my head and i quickly pushed back the sadness and smoothed down the dress attempting to compose myself.

I grabbed my wand off the night stand and began to curl my long blonde hair wrapping it around the end of my wand and letting it curl it. Once i was done with my hair i brushed  a bit of mascara on as well as a bit of eyeshadow and looked at myself in the mirror once more before looking over at Hermione and Ginny. Ginny's black dress fell perfectly off Hermione hugging her curves in all the right ways and places and hemiones hair was styled in a perfect up-do.

As for Ginny the dark blue lace dress made her fiery red hair pop and her gorgeous dark blue eyes stand out. I smiled looking at them admiring how beautiful my friends looked before saying

"You guys look absolutely gorgeous. "

They giggle like we used to when we would talk about boys at Hogwarts or when we would tell each other's crush's after a good laugh we all calmed down and slipped on our heels.

"We should probably keep our wands on us.. you know just in case"

Hermione says as she sticks her wand into the inner seams of her black dress and letting it rest on her thigh without it being noticeable.

I nodded in agreement and did the same. We all venture down as everyone began to show up The house and the tent was full of people whom I'm guessing are relatives to the Weasleys and friend's because of all the red-orange hair filling in the house and the yard outside.


I hear harry and Ron say in unison as they looked us up and down-well really just harry looking a Ginny and Ron looking at Hermione. We all giggled slightly at there reaction and enjoying what would probably be the last time we would laugh in a long time.

Ginny and Hermione took Harry and Ron's arm as i walked in the middle by myself happy that my friends were happy with themselves although i couldn't help wishing Draco was here with me. We entered the tent to see fairy lights lighting up the large tent and the corners of the tent littered with roses. Even though I'd helped decorate it I looked around in awe it was gorgeous.

The first half of the wedding was pretty much just everyone talking and catching up with old friends and relatives that were reunited. A few People came up to me making small talk due to my parents and to see how they were doing and that sort of thing. After a few hours the ceremony began and everyone found a seat at the small white tables decorated with flowers and quieted down and the music began to play. I watched as Flur walked down the isle in awe. She looked absolutely stunning in her long white dress It was simple but gorgeous and she looked stunning in it.

Once the vows we're said and everyone congratulated bill and flur everyone began to socialize again. Boy did the Weasley family have so much to talk about. The buzz of conversations everywhere was silent suddenly as a bright light flew into the tent. My eyes widened immediately knowing exactly what it was and what it ment as my father had told me about it. I sucked in slightly as i watched the orb begin to speak in disbelief.

"The ministry has fallen. The ministry has fallen."

The orb had spoke before disappearing. Everyone began to run outside and looking up at the sky. I looked up seeing jets of black smoke littering the sky.

Deatheaters. Would Draco be there? Would he have to hurt people? Of course he would - but that doesn't mean he'd like to.

I immediately snap out of it by the sound of family and friends yelling for there kids and family and yelling for there loved ones to be safe and the crack of apparition bouncing around.

I grab my wand out my dress and immediately began to cast hexes and defensive spells trying my best to help ward off the dozens of deatheaters but jets of green lights hurl toward them and I'm just to late. I let out a small scream as i watch the jet of green engulfed the people.

"Paisley!!" I hear Hermione yell from behind me wide eye with Ron and harry behind her. Without any second thought i quickly transfigured my high heals to flats and grabbed Hermione's hand as we apparated out of the burrow to a crowded street.

And that's when it all really hits me. The dark lord was making his move. He killed Dumbledore and infiltrated Hogwarts and we were the last hope for the whole world muggles and wizards.

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