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The rest of the next few days went by pretty uneventful. Id tried to take Blaise's advice and talk to Draco but I couldn't muster up the courage to do so. I mean I ruined our relationship. I walked out on him when I should have stayed by his side. I just don't understand why I let the fact that he is a death eater ruin our relationship. He was always good to me but why would he want me after what I did to him?

I groan and get out of bed. Today was the day of Professor Slughorns party. I rummage through my closet and find a Satan red short dress that hugged my curves perfectly. I pull it on and look at myself in the mirror.

Damn I looked good.

I put a little bit of makeup on and slipped on a matching pair of heals. I look at myself once more in the mirror before walking out of the dorm room and begin my way down to the dungeons. It was almost 7 pm so most of the corridors were empty or disserted which means the only sound was the clicking of my heals as i walked.

I make it up to the classroom and whisper the passcode "Gum balls "The door clicks open and i walk into a small party with probably 10-15 people walking around talking to others. The rooms lit up with lights and a few candles and lots of sweets and fire whiskey.


I think i might end up liking this party i say to myself as i look around at all the fire whiskey.

I look around and then it happens. I lock eyes with his familiar endless pools of gray eyes. I suck in slightly. He was wearing an all black suit and looked so sexy. I gulp and try to slow down my heart which felt like it was beating a million miles a hour.

I break our eye contact and grab the nearest bottle of firewhisky and pour a cup full drinking it all quickly. I wince feeling the familiar burning glide down my throat. I welcome it knowing that it would make this night a little bit easier and pour myself another cup and begin to walk around the party attempting to mingle.  I walk around seeing Hermione I smile and walk up to her

thank god I'm not here alone

Draco's pov

The second she walked into the room I couldn't keep my eyes off of her. She was wearing a short red Satan dress that hugged her curves so well it made me want to fuck her right then and there and let everyone watch as she moaned my name. what the fuck Draco shut up. i sigh and take another drink of my fire whiskey. I watched as she poured her self a cup of fire whiskey and gulp it down and pouring herself another before walking off and joining that granger girl.

God i missed her so fucking much. but I cant anymore I cant let her distract me anymore. All i have to do it finish that fucking cabinet and kill Dumbledore and then ill be done and ill never have to see her again. I curl my fists into bawls so tight I was sure my knuckles had turned ghostly white I clenched my jaw and take another swig on my fire whiskey feeling the sharp pain of a burning sensation down my throat.

paisleys pov

The rest of the night Draco couldn't keep his eyes off of me and I watched him as he took in every detail of my appearance like way my long wavy blonde hair fell off of my shoulders, the way the lights beamed off of my skin. The way my dress hugged my curves. I watched him watch me and all I could think about is how much I loved this boy and how much I hated myself for how I handled things and how i ruined it.

I continued to drink until the room was fuzzy and I was dizzy and I felt lighter and happy. I swayed to the music that was playing. It felt like the weight of my shoulders was taken off. I danced like that until the familiar sadness washed back over me. I stumbled out of the classroom clutching the side of the wall balancing my self. Once im far enough away i collapse in an empty corridor tears rushing down my cheeks and sob

and thats when i feel his arms around me.

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