forty nine.

121 3 0

When i woke up Draco was gone. I sighed looking over at his place in bed wondering where he had gone so early. I scrubbed the sleep from my eyes before getting out of bed throwing on some jeans and a long sleeve on to try and ward off some of the chill that the manor always seemed to have.

I walked around the manor to find Theo in hopes to have some company until Draco returned but i couldn't seem to find him anywhere in the manor.

I looked at the portraits as i roamed the manor. I hadn't been here too many times and still didn't really know my way around. It was amazing how neat the manor always seemed to be. It looked like nobody lived here. As i walked around i hadn't realized i was walking towards the room where i had been tortured.

I sucked in a gasp and stopped dead in my tracks as the night played on a loop in front of my eyes. I couldn't help but shudder as the memory of the pain ran through me. I'd never felt pain like that in my entire life. Nobody should ever have to go through that. My heart beat quickened as i reached for the door handle. I wasn't sure why but i felt like i needed to see the room. Like i needed to face my demons head on rather then cower at them in fear.

I was just about to open the door when Narcissa called out my name. I turned quickly looking at her like i had just been caught doing something i wasn't supposed to be doing. She looked beyond me and at the door her facial features cringing like it physically hurt her to look at the room as much as it did me.

She quickly looked back at me and gave me a small smile.
"Dear, Draco wanted me to tell you he had some business to attend to for his father and that he'd be back late tonight." She looked down for a moment almost like she was trying to keep herself together.

I knew exactly how she felt. With the upcoming war i couldn't imagine how stressed she was over the fact that Draco would be participating in it and he could possibly die. That thought left a bad taste in my mouth and i tried to swallow it away but it seemed to stay. I nodded. I missed Draco already and was ready for him to be home.

Narcissa nodded back looking around at the portraits smiling a little to herself. She clasped her hands together looking back at me.

"I was just about to go have tea, would you like to join me?"

I smiled and nodded following Narcissa thankful for the distraction.

When we finally reached the room my mouth dropped open in awe. The room was made of all windows that looked over a beautiful lake. I took a step closer and could see the peacocks walking around the grounds. I turned around and looked at all the greenery that was littered around the room. My eyes traveled over all the plants. She had so many i couldn't believe my eyes.

I listed the flowers in my head as i ran my eyes over each one. She had Aconite, Bitter root, Cobra Lilly, Bouncing bulb, Foxglove and so many more i couldn't name off the top of my head. I turned back to Narcissa.

"This is beautiful." I said turning back around to look around the room again. She let out a tired chuckle
"Yes it is.. thank you" She said looking around the room smiling to herself and walking over to the table in the middle of the room.

I followed her over taking a seat in front of her. She poured both of us some tea and set the pot back down with practiced grace. I lifted my cup and took a sip. My eyes widened at the tea. It was amazing. I looked up at Narcissa and pointed to the tea.

"That's the best tea iv ever had. What's in it?" I asked taking another small sip. She chuckled taking her own sip before setting her cup down and clasping her hands in her lap.

"It's a Black family secret" She smiled at me. I nodded understanding. She turned from me and looked out the window. She looked so at peace in this room. It made my heart swell.

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