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When i first met Draco Malfoy i despised him. But that's how i was supposed to feel. I mean we were wired to hate each other; Gryffindor,brave,courageous, chivalrous. Slytherin ambitious, cunning, adaptable. but why don't i hate him still?

The last time i saw Draco was 4th year. I was now a 5th year and as i walked through the bustling swarm of children with excited eyes to be finally going back to Hogwarts - or their first time there. His blinding white hair caught my eye and i look up to see him chatting with Crabbe and Goyal with no care in the world. He was much taller than last year. His white - blonde hair barely touching his brows. His body more manlier, very much different from 4th year where as he was petite and small. I hadn't realized i had stopped in the middle of the train station when i noticed that he was staring back at me with his infamous smirk. I could feel a blush make it's way across my face and i began walking onto the train dipping my head in hopes to hide the pink tint of my cheeks.

I was chatting with Crabbe and Goyal when Crabbe pointed out that someone was staring at me. I had looked over to see her. She was wearing a simple blouse and a pair of jeans. Her dirty blonde hair flowing with the slight wind that she created when she walked. She had grown a bit since i saw her last year. She was just tall enough that she could probably stand to reach my chin. Her wavy blonde hair had gotten considerably longer now just above her elbows. Her blue- green eyes popped from the color of her blouse. I cursed myself for having stared so long that i had notice the littlest things about her. I sighed and rolled my eyes, internally slapping myself and managed to go back to talking to Crabbe and Goyal.

I wasn't sure why he was staring at me and why i was staring back. But that seemed to be our little thing. Just staring at each other and never speaking a word to each other. It had been that way for two years now and not once had we interacted. Inside or outside of school.
I sighed and looked around trying to distract myself from my thoughts about Draco. I wove my way through the crowed train to see Harry And Ron at the trolly full of lots of amazing candies. I giggle a bit seeing Rons hands full of candy. "Harry! Ron!" I say before running to hug the two. They laugh and hugged me back- as best they could with there hands and pockets completely full with candies. "I missed you guys" I said before hearing my name from behind the boys.


Hermione says when seeing me. I shove past Harry and Ron and hug Hermione with a bone crushing hug. Hermione and i have been close since 1st year, we always share dorms and tell each other pretty much everything. We had been close since we'd first met and we've been inseparable since. Hermione takes my hand and drags me back to there compartment Harry and Ron following after they were done at the trolley. We immediately began catching up with each other even though we wrote to each other we still had so much to say and everyone sounded like they
pretty much had a great summer.

I was glad my friends got to enjoy there break with there families, going on trips and enjoying what little normalcy we had the luxury of having. Unfortunately I couldn't say the same for myself. I spent my summer break stressing over Appearances and trying to do everything in my power to keep my parents approval and happiness. I took a bite out of the chocolate frog i had just unwrapped enjoying the taste of chocolate on my tongue. I glanced up at Harry knowing that he too had a hard summer break. I hated that for him. But i also hated that i understood what it felt like to be somewhere you didn't want to be.

I loved my parents to death. But sometimes they were just too much. They cared too much about appearances and keeping up with the other purebreds. Taking the last bite of the chocolate frog i glanced down at the hidden card to see Dumbledores face. I sighed and leaned my head on the window watching the trees fly by. But i couldn't suppress the giddy feeling i got as we neared the school again. To me this was more like a home then anything id ever had. And i couldn't wait to be back finally.

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