forty six.

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"Tell me something I don't know about you yet"

Draco asks her softly. And she's confused why he's asking her this. But she doesn't question it. Thinks about what to say. Decides she wants him to know everything about her. Even the darkest parts of her. But she decides not to tell him something dark. Decides both there lives have enough grey in them as it is.

"I love to write"

"Write?" he questions, takes another drink out of his now empty bottle of whiskey.

"Yeah like books" she says with a soft sigh. She begins to think back on her childhood. She drains the rest of her bottle before she continues. The sweet cinnamon coating her tongue.

"When I was little I was obsessed with writing books" She laughs slightly watches as it becomes a puff of smoke from the frigid air. She looks over at him and gives him a little shrug.

"I don't know. It was like an escape.  From all the stress and appearances. I would take this little notebook with me everywhere and just write until my brain and hand hurt. It was the most euphoric feeling. Being able to escape into the clouds in the form of writing. Being able to create a whole new reality where there's no limitations. Just what you can make up in your own mind. And I think writers see the world differently. Feel things differently".

She sighs, thinks she's rambling. Thinks he thinks she sounds stupid. And when she finally musters up the courage to look at him his expression is not what she expected. The glint in his eyes is fascinating. And it takes her breath away with the way he's looking at her. Because he's looking at her with so much love and admiration she cant help but feel the heat of a blush creep up onto her cheeks. 

"Do you still love it?" he asks softly. And reaches up to brush a piece of hair that has fallen in her eyes as she rolls on her side to face him. Props her head up on her hand.

She smiles. And this one comes so easy. It almost feels natural again. She nods thinking back to those few good memories she has as a child.

"Yes. Very much"

And he's reaching for her, and the broken pieces inside her mend and rearrange as his fingers thread in-between hers, and closes the empty spaces between them. And though they might not be in the original place they were before. She doesn't care. Doesn't care because he's the one who's put them there. And she knows deep down that wherever he's put them, their in a better spot then they were before. Knows this deep down in her bones, in her soul. Because he's the one who's put them there. So when he whisks her up and carry's her bridal style off the roof and back through the window without breaking the kiss. She forgets. Forgets the hurt, the pain. The disappointment she feels in herself for not being able to carry her child. There child.

She forgets in the moments their wrapped up. And she's in pure bliss. Finds that's there's no where else she'd ever want to be then with him. Before she knows it there tangled up together in a rush of hot kisses and so so much love. The taste of whiskey fresh on her tongue. And it's so intoxicating. She feels as though she's more drunk off of him then she could ever be from the whiskey. And she realizes that she wants everything with Draco. Realizes she wants to experience every precious moment with him.

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