forty seven.

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The moment I woke up I could feel the headache beating my scull in. I groan and bury my face in Dracos chest to try to block out some of the light that's coming in through the windows.

"Never let me drink again like that" I groan again trying to think over the pounding of my head. Draco chuckles and moves to get out of bed I reach out to grab him and stop him but fall on empty hands. I crack my eyes open as little as possible and glance at him. He just shakes his head with a knowing smile, leans down and kisses my forehead gently and walks out of the room.

I sigh and contemplate never getting up again and just simply dying right there when i hear Draco walk back into the room. He gently sits on the side of the bed and moves to help me sit up. I wince in pain as the headache gets worse from the movement. I blink rapidly and try to get my eyes to adjust to the bright lights. Draco grabs my hand and hands me a potion.

I take it immediately knowing that it will cure my headache and nausea. Once it's down i hand the bottle back to Draco and sigh as i feel the potion work it's way through my body instantly feeling better. I look up at Draco and smile at him thanking him with a kiss. He sighs contently and it washes over my face and then he's pulling away all too soon. "I have some errands to run but i'll be back in a few hours" he says tucking a stray hair out of my face. I sigh quietly. I didn't want him to leave again but i knew whatever he had to do was important. I nodded giving him a quick kiss on the cheek before heading towards the bathroom and getting in the hot shower.

Once i was out i was feeling good as new. I looked through what little clothes i had here and settled on a plain black skirt and a gray sweater. I put on a little makeup and let my hair down rubbing my scalp as it fell over my breast and ended at my hips. It had grown a lot in these last few months.

With being on the run and everything else that had happened since it had grown much longer then it normally was. I looked at myself in the mirror trying to find the person i was before all this. And i couldn't find her. I wasn't sure if it was a good or a bad thing. Trauma and stress changes people. Some it makes them weak and vulnerable and others it makes them stronger. Some change for the better. I wasn't sure which category i fell into.

Grabbing my wand i whispered the spell and about 3 inches of hair fell to the floor. Once i was satisfied my hair was back to its normal length and ended just below my breast. I smiled feeling a little bit more like myself already and tucked my wand into the waist band of my skirt and made my way out of Draco's room.

I made my way down the steps and walked into the kitchen following the smell of food. My mouth watered when i saw the food Narcissa was making.

"Oh paisley you gotta try her pancakes there amazing" Theo said over a mouth full of food. I chuckled and took a seat across from him. I watched as Narcissa flipped the pancakes with practiced ease. "I didn't know you cooked" I said as i watched her put them on a plate and cover them with syrup. She shrugged and set the plate in front of me. "I don't do it often because Lucius doesn't like it but yes, it is something i enjoy doing" She said with a smile as she began cleaning up. I nodded and took a bite before moaning over the food in my mouth.

"These are amazing" I said before stuffing another bite in my mouth. Theo nodded at me and slapped another pancake on his plate. Narcissa chuckled as she watched him before turning to me with a bright smile on her face. "I'm glad you like them." I swallowed "Thank you for making this for us" I said before i took another bite. "Oh please" she waved me off "You don't have to thank me for making you breakfast." She said as she finished up cleaning and set her wand down on the counter. I realized then that it was never something my mother had done for me.

She was too busy with appearances and keeping up with all the other pure bloods that she didn't have much time for me. When my father died it was the most attention id ever gotten from my mom really. I felt a pang of sorrow fill me. I missed my mother and i hoped she wasn't worried about me and that she was safe. We may not have the best relationship but she was my mother and i wouldn't want anything to happen to her.

A few hours later i was sitting in the library reading a book when Draco walked in. He looked tired and came and laid his head in my lap. I sat my book aside and ran my fingers through his hair. I hated seeing him so tired. I could tell that with everything going on it was weighing heavy on him. I wished i could take some of the pressure off of him. I wanted nothing more for him to be happy and to live a long life.

I couldn't help but think of the inevitable war that would be happening in two days. It left a bitter taste in my mouth and my heart pounding. I was terrified of losing Draco. Just the thought of it scared the hell out of me and my heart beat quickened ten fold.

I wasn't sure i would be able to live without him. I was terrified of losing anyone. I bit the inside of my cheek to try and focus on something else other then the burning in my chest. I would not break. Draco needed me to be strong. And i would be. For him i would be.

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