twenty seven.

211 7 0

Running through the crowded street Hermione quickly lead us through the crowd and to a small empty coffee shop. We quietly walked in a took a seat. Sitting down i tried to push down the nausea that washed over me from the apparition. I pushed the heals of my hands into my eyes as i tries to stop replaying the people as the flashes of green jets washing over then replayed in my head.


in and out



My attempt to calm myself is quickly interrupted by Harrys soft concerning voice.

"Are you okay paisley?" He asks looking at me worried.

I quickly nod not wanting them to worry about me as We all had enough to worry about as it is and i wanted them to know that i wasn't someone they would have to worry about. I was going to help hunt down and kill each and every horcrux the dark lord had made and i would be fine. I am fine I tell myself.

I take this time to study the coffee shop. It was old looking but up to date. The wallpaper seemed to be new but done poorly. The decor was awful and nothing matched correctly. I looked down at the table that was obviously very old and had several scuffs and dents. I traced over the dents with the tip of my fingers feeling the wood glide under my finger.

I'm pulled out of my thoughts as a women came to take our order.

"what can i get you guys?"

She asks in a high pitched annoyed tone as she looked at us and waited for our order.

"Four espressos"

Hermione says sweetly to the young women. The women nods and walks behind the counter to brew our coffees. My eyes follow her back to the counter. I look and see two men dressed in all black peak through the doors behind her. My blood runs cold and I quickly look away acting as if I hadn't see the men and look at Hermione and harry trying to look at calm and collected as physically possible. I calmed myself down as quickly as possible.

"Don't look back but there two deatheaters behind the women" I say as casually as I could and acting as i was saying something normal.

"Wh-" ron tries to say but stops immediately when he realizes what iv just said with a nervous smile.

I slyly pull my wand out from under my dress and feel the familiar wood in my hand. From the corner of my eye i watch as the two men slowly begin to creep out from behind the door.

My heart sped up and adrenaline rushed threw my veins as i barely nodded signaling everyone to start shooting hexs at the two death eaters. I jumped up and pushed the table over as a cover and started to shoot hex's towards the men. Every hex i'd known at the top of my head rolled off my tongue with ease. Almost like i'd hexed people regularly but I guess DA really did help.

I watch as the tables and chair explode under the hex and splinter falling to the ground in a loud crash. The men start to throw hex's back as the three of us duck behind fallen tables. I peak out from behind a table and shoot a Petrificus Totalus and hit one of the death eaters. I watch as his body stiffness and he becomes immobilized. Hermione dose the same and hits the second guy. Again i watch as his body stiffness and falls to the ground with a loud thud.

I exhale the breath i didn't know i was holding in and stood up and quickly walk over to the men and grabbing there wands just in case and pulling there masks off to see if i could recognize them. I inched forward to see the faces. I sighed. I didn't. I backed up quickly as I could feel the dark magic in the air and i could feel it radiating off of the two men. It felt like a heavy blanket that could suffocate me if I got too close.

"How'd you even see them Paisley?" Harry asks looking at the to men.

I looked over at harry then back to the two death eaters.

"I saw them peaking behind that door when i was watching the waitress " I say pointing to the door to the right of them. I look around the coffee shop concerned on where the women had gone. I shook my head thinking she'd probably ran out the back scared out of her mind. If the ministry hadn't fallen they'd be here probably taking there magic away for using magic in front of a muggle. I turned back towards hermione when i hear her voice behind me.

"They must have followed us from the wedding somehow" Hermione says quietly from behind harry and me I nod and sigh quietly.

"It's probably best to obliviate them" Ron says gruffly from beside Hermione before giving the two men one more look and then walking out of the small coffee shop. Hermione nodded and walked up to the men and whispered obliviate and quickly walking out to meet up with Ron outside the coffee shop.

I snapped the wands and threw the two death eaters wands down. I flicked my wand released them from the invisible binding and walking out of the coffee shop with harry following closely behind. Hermione lead us though the now abandoned street. She grabbed our hands and we apperated  from the street and to a forest with an opening of trees.

I internationally groan as the nausea washed back over me. Hermione lead us into the opening and grabbing her charmed pouch and pulling out cloths. She handed me a pair of jeans with a T-shirt and a zip up jacket. I looked down at my once beautiful red dress was covered in small rips and dirt. I quickly slipped it off and slipped the cloths Hermione handed me. Once i was fully dressed i transfigured her flats into boots and walked over to Hermione to help her put up the charmed tent.

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