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we'll survive,
you and i.
F. Scott Fitzgerald

I'm woken up by the blinding morning sun in my face. My eyes flutter open slowly adjusting to the bright lights. I groan and drag myself out of my cozy warm bed and walk into the shower turning it on and stepping into the warm water.

God I wish the weekend was longer i really wasn't looking forward to going to classes today. I drag myself out of the amazing shower and get dressed into my casual Gryffindor robes. I magically dry my hair leaving it wavy and put on a little bit of makeup.

I look over to Hermiones side of the room and see that its empty as per usual. she always leaves early in the morning. Grabbing my books and my bag I walk out of the dorms and to the great hall but just before I make it his arms grab my waist and pull me into an empty corridor and pushing me up against the wall.

He kisses me gently and I smile into our kiss. "Well good morning to you to handsome." I say smiling and wrapping my hands around his neck and playing with his soft hair. He smiles cheekily and kisses me again. He pulls away and looks at me " Wanna skip class and hang in my dorm all day?" he asks smirking. I giggle a bit "Draco I- I don't know.." I trail off looking into his gorgeous gray eyes.

"Pleaseeee" he begs and gives me his cute puppy eyes.

God damnit how am i supposed to say no to him.

I sigh and smile unable to say no to him.

" okayyy fineee" I say kissing him again. He grabs my hand and guides me down to the Slytherin common room. He quickly says the password and guides me into his dorm room. As soon as I walk in I smell his wonderful cologne mixed with Blaise's cologne.

He walks over to his closet and pulls out a pair of sweatpants and his quidditch jumper. I smile looking at the back that read 'MALFOY' and then his number 07. I quickly slip them on and crawl into his bed where he was already waiting for me at. I cuddle into him his cold skin giving me goosebumps.

Seconds later his cold skin is now warm against mine. He starts to play with my hair pushing it behind my ears and trying to braid parts of it." I missed you" he say quietly I look up at him and smile. " I missed you too" I say softly and intertwining our hands together and pulling myself closer to him even though there was barley any room left in the first place. I close my eyes and slowly fall asleep listening to the sound of his heart beat.

A few hours go by and our sleep is interrupted by blaise bursting in and rambling on about something one do the professors did in class. He looks up at the bed.

" Draco- oh my bad guys- um ill just leave" Blaise says nervously and quickly leaves closing the door behind him. I look at draco and we both burst out laughing.

"What did you do to him he looked so scared " I ask through giggles.

"Oh nothing im just a scary person i guess" he says chuckling kissing the side of my head.

"I mean i guess being a death eater has its perks in some ways. " he says still chuckling not realizing what he had just said.

The second those words leave his mouth my blood freezes and turns cold. My eyes widen and I get up quickly untangling myself from his arms. The

"What did you just say?" I ask looking at him wide eyed. The second I looked at him regret and fear sketched its was onto his face.

"Paise... please just hear me out i can explain everything" he says getting up and reaching out towards me. I back away. Tears trickle out of my eyes and down my cheeks blurring my vision. I blinked rapidly trying to clear it but to no advel.

"Are - are you a death eater" I ask looking up at him. Trying to wrack my brain for a logical explanation to this whole situation. He just looks at me guilt all over his face.

"ARE YOU A FUCKING DEATH EATER DRACO?" I yell at him anger surging through my veins i don't know what came over me i was just so so angry.

He pulls his sleeve up reveling the dark mark inked on his pale arm. I let out a small gasp just seeing it gave me chills. I look back up at him " Harry- Harry was right " I say backing away from him. Tears falling unchecked down my face. "Paisley" he says reaching out towards me again. Anguish apparent in his voice.Tears roll down his cheeks and it breaks my heart more. Shattering it into a million little pieces.

I run out of his dorm and out of the Slytherin common room and all the way out of the castle. A few people look at me giving me confused looks that I ignore. I had to get out of the castle, as big as it was I felt claustrophobic and I couldn't breathe. I break out of the castle doors and ran across the fields to the edge of the black lake. I sit against the near by tree trunk and break out into sobs. Doing the only thing i knew to do at the moment. I cried until there was no tears left to cry. Until all i had the energy to do was just stare out at the dark waters. I sat there until the sun went down and the late night chill rolled in. And then i sat there for a little longer. I sat there until i couldn't handle to cold that sank into my bones. Only when my mind had completely cleared did i get up and begin to make my way back up to the castle.

okay yeah that happened.

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