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"I was never a person who valued love"

The next fews days had consisted of me trying my best to avoid Draco. Which wasn't that hard considering how busy i'd been. Snape had been assigning so much homework that even Hermione had almost began to fall behind, on top of that i had DA meetings which i would chose over homework anytime but It's like he doesn't know that we all have other classes that we have homework for other then just his. I loved his subject but damn that man had no chill.

As i made my way to potions class grumbling about being late again a strong pair of arms pulled me into an empty corridor. I was about to give this person a piece of my mind until i realized who it was.

There he was with his cute little smirk. Being near him again brought me right to the night of Fred's party and what had happened.

His intoxicating smell

His lips on mine

his body close to mine

I fought the urge to kiss him right then in there. The sound of his voice brought me back to reality. "Young?" he said looking at me a bit confused.
"Hm?" i said quickly looking up at him.

"Meet me outside at midnight" he said before walking away and giving me a chance to say yes or no. I sighed and continue to walk to potions shortly after Draco. I rolled my eyes thinking about just how much extra homework Snape was about to give me for being late to his class 3 times in a row.

By the grace of Merlin i was able to slip in without Snape noticing and Sat in my usual spot next to Neville i quickly opened my textbook and began jotting down things that i'd say were important. I shift in my chair and glance over to Draco who was slumped lazily in his chair occasionally writing notes down.

His hair was messy and he looked stressed, no doubt due to the piles of homework Snape has been giving. Without warning he looks over at me and smirks arrogance radiating off of him. I quickly look away annoyed he had just caught me staring and sit up in my chair and push the strands of hair out of my eyes and continue to listen to Snapes boring lesson.

After what felt like an eternity class was finally over. I sluggishly pack my books in my bag and head over to Herbology. I Began to get nervous about meeting Draco so i was thankful i had something to distract me from my thoughts.

Professor Sprout almost immediately began the lesson. I was honestly beginning to like her class, it was always fun and interesting. Today we were working with Mandrakes which wasn't as fun as i thought it to be. Once we pulled the mandrake out of the pot it began to scream a very high pitched scream which honestly gave me a slight headache.

Thankfully class ended rather quickly and i headed over to my last two classes Trasfiguration and Charms which flew by since they were pretty much the easiest classes i had. I walked to the common room to study for an upcoming test that i had in Potions. I open my potions book and began writing notes. Potions class was by far the most complicated class which i didn't mind because i personally loved a challenge.

I turn to see Harry, Hermione and Ron walking from Quidditch practice. Hermione always went and watched practices but secretly i knew she went to just watch Ron. I wish they would hurry up and admit there feeling for each other. I closed my potions book and set it on the table and stood up to go say hi to them. Id been so busy lately i'd barely got to see them. "Hey guys! how was practice?" I say to them with a smile. "It was great!" Harry said cheerfully before Hermione budges in "You should have seen Ron he did amazing today!" I chuckle a bit "That great" I say with a smile. Hermione had always had a little thing for Ron a thing that seemed to grow every year was we got older.

We sat in the common room and chatted catching up on a few things that had been going on. Hours had passed by in a blur Hermione yawned " Welp im going to head to bed it's getting pretty late." She said as she got up and stretched. "Yeah i think i'm going to go to." Harry says Ron following him. "You coming?" Hermione asks "No i still have some studying to do i'll be up shortly" I tell Hermione with a smile "Goodnight guys" I say as i pick my potions book back up and flip through the pages.

I check the time 12:10. I widen my eyes now remembering that i was supposed to meet Draco 10 mins ago. I quickly got up and made my way through the dark corridors. I checked to see if anybody's around and pull my wand out of my pocket. "Lumos" I whisper quietly as a light appears from my wand.

Once i reach the end of the hall i put my light out and put my wand away and quietly push the door open to see Draco leaning on the side of a wall looking up at the stars.

I walk up next to him and look up at the stars as well. "There beautiful aren't they" I say while looking up at them. He smiles "They are" he says softly. I look over at him, his pale skin looked beautiful almost angelic in the moon light. His gray eyes twinkling. Im interrupted as i hear him say "Like what you see?" he says with a smirk.

I perse my lips and look back up at the sky not wanting to give him the satisfaction of catching me staring. "Im only teasing."  he says as he bumps me slightly to look at him. I look over at him to see him smiling. He looks at my lips and once again kisses me but this time i don't hesitate to kiss him back.

This time it was i was who needed it to live.

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