thirty one.

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The feeling of panic rushed over my immediately once i came to the realization on why my arm was cut open and torn out of its socket. I hissed as an overwhelming burning feeling washed over my arm.

"Hermione i'm fine -g" I say as i tried to shake her off of me. We couldn't stop we didn't have the time. There were things we still needed to do to ensure our safety.

I felt several hands push me back down to the ground. I looked over to see harry and ron holding me down.

"Just let her fix it okay?" Harry's say in concerning voice. I sighed and let her continue unable to actually stop her.

"Try and hurry please. We need to put the wards up before someone see us." I say as i starred up at the sky. I looked past the tops of the trees and looked up at the bright blue sky. She didn't say anything as she continued to heal open cut.

"Okay i'm going to put your shoulder back in place.. it's going to hurt so you might want to hold someone's hand." She said quietly as she finished pulling the skin together. I groaned as i reached for harry's hand and turned my head towards him and Ron and clenched my eyes shut.

"Just get it over with please" I say softly. Bracing myself for the pain that would come. Seconds later a sharp pain engulfed my shoulder i let out a sharp scream as the pain increase before it finally subsided slowly. I looked over to my arm and tried to move it. I winced slightly as the soreness took over.

"T hank you" I said quietly before standing up.

"Your welcome. Here put this on" She said as she conjured a cloth sling. She helped me put it on before grabbing her pouch from the ground and shoving her hand into it. She pulled out the familiar Green Quidditch hoodie. I gasp slightly as she handed it to me.

"I thought i'd left it at the burrow" I said as i held it close. Hermione shook her head slightly.

"i grabbed it.. you know just in case... and i know you miss him" She said quietly. I smiled and slipped it on and let his scent fill my senses. A wave of sadness washed over me as memories played in front on my eyes. What if that was all the memories i would ever get with him? what if he's gone and i don't know it. I held back a sob. Tears pricked the back of my eyes. Hermione put her hand on my shoulder and looked at me sadly as if she knew what i was thinking.

"Im sure he's fine paisley" she said quietly as she rubbed my shoulder reassuringly. I nodded and have her a small smile that probably wasn't even a smile. She turned around to see that the boys had put the charmed tent up. She looked back up at me

"Go ahead and gets some rest harry and ron and help me with the wards" She said quietly as she began to gather up all the things she used to heal my arm.

I shook my head.

"Im fine plus i don't think they know the wards"
She just shook her head again before replying.

"I know them i'll teach them" She said as she threw her pouch over her shoulder and pulled her wand out of her pocket.

"Im fine H" i tried to continue but she cut me off before i could finish my sentence.

"Im sure you are but you need to be careful with your arm and you've been awake for 2 days now. You need to get get some rest or else you won't be in your right mind and we need you to be" She said sternly.

"Now go get some rest. We've got this"

I sighed and nodded and began to walk towards the tent as i watched Hermione, Ron, and harry walk into the distance. I walked into the tent and laid down careful not to hit my shoulder. It would need a few more days of me not using it and stretching the tendons before it wouldn't be sore anymore.

I hugged myself with my one arm and relished in dracos hoodie. I could feel tears begin to fill my eyes and bluring my vision. I tried so hard to keep myself together. That i could do this that i could focus on the horcruxs and the mission on destroying them and not think about Draco and not worry about him. But i was wrong i was so wrong because he was the only thing that i could think about. He's the first thing that i think  about when i wake up in the morning and the last thing i'm thinking about when i'm falling asleep, and if i'm not waking up or falling asleep i'm still thinking about him. I think about his hands on my body. Or the feeling of falling asleep in his arms and waking up in them. I think about our first kiss at that stupid christmas party slughorn thew and how good it felt when your lips and hands were on mine.

And if i'm not thinking about that i'm thinking that he's dead and that all i'll have left is the memories. And that's just not enough. We're just kids in a world where we have to make adult choices. I let out a small sob. The tears begin rolling down my cheeks fast. I didn't bother wiping them away. Id held them in too long there was not stopping them at this point. Please don't be dead Draco is all i could repeat in till i fell asleep for the first time in days.

Please don't be dead, please don't be dead, live for me draco.

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