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The last two weeks of school fly by in a blur and christmas break was finally here. I'm sitting on the edge of my bed and watch as Hermione packs her bags. " Please come with us" she begs me what feels like the millionth time over the past 2 weeks.

"Hermione please i'll be fine and like I said it's not the first time i've stayed here for christmas."

I say to her while she struggles to close her trunk. I get up and make my way over to her and help push her trunk closed.

Once she's done we walk out of the dormitory and meet up with Ron and Harry who were Impatiently waiting for Hermione. "Bloody hell hermione were going to miss the train if you don't hurry up" Ron says. I chuckle as I watch Hermione glare at Ron and he shrinks back. Hermione turns to me " Are you sure you don't want to come with us" she asks me one last time. "Yes now hurry before you miss the train" I say as I hug her Harry and Ron.

We all bid our goodbyes and I watch as they walk out of the common room. I sigh and sit on the sofa. I pull out a book and began reading it picking up where I left off.

If i'm being honest i liked staying here over Christmas break. Most of the students were gone except a few who stayed over Christmas break as well. I liked the peace and quiet and having the common room almost completely to myself.

Breaking me out of my thoughts i hear someone walk into the common room and i turn to see who it is. "Neville?" "What are you doing here" I ask with a smile. I was glad that one of my friends stayed here so i wasn't completely alone. "Oh my aunt wasn't going to be able to have me for Christmas this year so i'm staying over Christmas break" he says as he sits on the sofa."Oh. my dads busy at the ministry and my mom has her duties " I say to him softly. he nods. I sigh softly and continue reading my book.

A few hours pass by and it's dinner time. i get up and set my book off to the side." Hey Neville i'm going to head to dinner, wanna come?" I ask with a smile. "Sure" he says as he puts down his book and begins to walk with me. We make our way to the Gryffindor table and began eating. It felt weird with very little people here. Normally the rooms always buzzing and full of people now it was quite and practically empty.

I pick at my food while making small talk with Neville. Once i decide i was sick of picking at my food i say "Im gonna head to the library, would you like to come with me?" I ask neville "No thanks i have some late homework to do" he says. i nod and began gathering my things and head to the library. I wave at the librarian and began to browse through the books. I pick one up and find a seat and begin reading it.

A few hours had gone by i get up and put my book back and began walking back to the common room since it was almost past curfew.  It takes me a few minutes and when i get back the common rooms completely empty and i head for the dorms to go to sleep.

The next morning I wake up and slowly get out of my cosy bed and make my way to the bathroom to get into the shower.

Today was Christmas Eve so i had decided that i would go to hogsmede and get my friends a gift. I quickly get ready throwing my scarf around my neck and walk out of the common room and make my way down the long walk to Hogsmeade. 

It took me quite a while to choose the perfect gifts. Looking through my bags i was happy to say i'd done pretty good. I'd gotten Hermione one of her favorite books that she had checked out of the library at least a million times and Harry a book over quidditch and Ron a bunch of things from the joke shop. I'd even managed to get Neville some candies too.

I walked back to the castle and headed straight for the dorms. I grabbed some parchment paper and began to wrap the gifts neatly tying it with a small brown string to keep the parchment in place finishing it off with a little bow.

I started my long walk to the owlrey wanting to send the gifts out as soon as possible so they would arrive on Christmas day. I shrank the gifts before giving them to ice and giving her a pet before telling her to deliver them to the burrow. i tied a little note to her leg and watched her fly away. I smiled and started to walk back to the castle.

I make my way in passing the empty corridors slowly before someone reaches out a grabs me pulling me into a empty classroom.

"What the hell?" I say wondering who would be pulling me into an empty classroom and that's when i see him. "Malfoy" I say glaring at him which doesn't last long when i see his soft expression. He doesn't say anything he just stares at me like he's studying every aspect of my face.

He moves forward towards me and i back up against the wall.  He walks even closer until we're just inches apart leaving barely any room to move. i can feel his hot breath on my cheek. And without any warning he kisses me. At first i kiss him back but i quickly pull  away . "Stop" i say as i move away from him. " What are you doing.." I ask looking at him confused. "Why do you keep kissing me?" I ask softly looking at him waiting for a response.

"I don't know. I just can't stay away from you."

I hear him say though i could barely hear him over the sound of my rapidly beating heart. "What?" I say confused. "Your the one who said this wouldn't work" I say looking at him and crossing my arms.

"I know and it won't" he groans looking away from me running his hands through his hair."Why?" I ask as i move closer to him. " Is it because of our houses?" i ask looking at him.
"No" he says still not looking at me. "Then what?" I ask grabbing his arm and making him look at me. His soft gray eyes lock into mine. "Nothing." he says pausing. "Nothing" he repeats quickly as he leans down and kisses me hard. He picks me up and pushes me against the wall again.

We stay like that until we stop to catch our breath. I feel his hot breath on my neck and i smile. "I should probably get going" I say quietly and look at him. "Im sure Nevilles looking for me by now." I say as Draco softly puts me down and lets me go.

"Okay" he says smiling. I can't help but smile back as i feel a blush creeping onto my cheeks. I'd never seen Draco smile before. I kiss him on the cheek before walking out of the classroom and head towards the dorms.

As i walked back to the dorms i couldn't help but smile. I wasn't sure what was going on with Draco but i was kinda liking it.

Once i reach the common room i see Neville sitting on the sofa flipping through the prophecy. He looks up at me "Hey, where have you been? it's like 30 minutes past curfew." He says setting the prophecy down on the table near him. "How did you not get caught by one of the teachers" he asks. I shrug "the halls are so empty i'm sure none of the teachers are worried about constantly patrolling the halls. I mean there's only what like 6 students here" I point out as i sit down and wrap myself in a fleece. "Oh yeah i guess your right." he's says picking up what he was reading again. I reach in my bag and grab my charms book out and began studying which i found hard when i couldn't get Draco out of my head.

A little while had gone by and Neville had left and went to bed and i was alone in the common room the crackling fire dimly lighting the room up. i sigh and put my charms book back in my bag and walk up to the girls dorms. i set my bag down and glancing over to Hermiones bed which was bare. i really wish she was here i have to so much to tell her though i wasn't sure i wanted her tell her yet. I was honestly afraid of what she'd think of me.

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