twenty nine.

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The following morning was very busy. We got ready and packed the supplies we would need to get into the ministry of magic safely and without being caught. I pulled my long blonde hair back into a pony tail and i tucked my wand into my pocket. Once we were all ready we grabbed onto Hermione and we apperated to a busy street near the ministry of magic.

Our plan was pretty simple and straightforward but it was also extremely dangerous. We didn't even know what the horcrux we were looking for looked like. There were so many ways this could go wrong. We could simply get into the building and the poly potion could wear off to soon and we'd get caught. Or the horcrux could not even be there.

There were so many ways this whole thing could blow up in our faces. But we were going to do it anyways. We'd tried to convince Harry that if one of us gets caught just leave them behind but he wouldn't budge saying 'you guys are already risking your lives for me and the magic and muggle world. No one is left behind' which is heart felt and all but Harry is the one who can save us all so therefore his life is worth more then one of ours.

So we secretly made a agreement to make sure harry would keep going if one of us is captured or exposed and we would come back to get them once Voldemort was killed.

We watched as people walked in and out of the ministry of magic like they did everyday and nothing was wrong with the world. Like there weren't people dying and there wasn't an upcoming war. I shuddered a bit at the thought of a war. My mother had always loved being at war and fighting and taking down the evil in the war. From death eaters to people who sell things illegally. She relished in taking the evil people down and putting where 'there meant to be', My mother always had a deep hate for death eaters. I think that's partly why she became and auror. 

I remember when i was little she'd come home from a long day at work and tell me about all the people she put away and all the things she did. i always looked forward to seeing her then. She'd probably drop dead if she knew i was dating one. She'd probably kill me before the war could if she even knew that i was in love with one.

My father is probably rolling in his grave at this very moment . A wave of grief washed over me as memories of my dad played in front of my eyes. I shook my head slightly as i re focused on watching the people walk in and out of the ministry of magic but i let my thoughts roam so i could focus on keeping myself calm.

As i aged i realized something about my mother's work. The things the 'evil' people did she made them sound like they all had a choice.People say the world is an ugly place. But the world is a beautiful place, people just taint it. They take the worlds pure white color and mix it with there dark blackness and make the world  gray. They take the beauty and taint it with there darkness and evilness.

I don't believe everyone has a choice in life. For example Draco. He had to become a death eater to protect his family. Therefore he had no choice in the matter. It was either become a death eater or you and your family dies or at least that's what i think happened or what i want to think. But maybe the people who were selling black and dark magic filled objects were only doing it because they couldn't make a living off a any thing else. So the only real difference between good and evil is just whose telling the story.

I silently sighed before watching 2 men and 2 Women walk towards of the building laughing and talking. I looked over at hermione and gave a slight nod who gave harry and ron a nod. We watch as they round the corner before we quickly walk behind each of them and whispering "stupify" and dragging them into an secluded ally.

Hermione reached into her bag and pulled out 4 poly potions and handing them to each of us.

"Take a piece of hair from your person and add it to the poly potion"

she spoke quickly as she lean down and plucked one strand on hair from the red headed lady. Her hair wasn't like ginnys. Ginnys was a fiery red Whilst this women's was more of a dull red. It probably lighted from age or stress. I leaned down and pulled a strand of hair from the dark brown headed lady before i drank the poly potion. I scrunched my face up as the liquid ran down my throat. It tasted horrible. I watched as harry,ron and hermione transformed into the people laying stunned on the ground.

"How long will this potion last?" I ask as i look down at the people laying on the ground 'sleeping ' on the ground.

"2 hours at most" Hermione says as she smooths down the skirt down.

"Okay what are we going to do with them while we're in there" Harry gestures towards the ground where the people are laying.

I look around to find a small abandoned storage unit.

"There" I say as i quickly grab the women by her arms and began to drag her towards the storage unit.

We all gently laid them down on the ground.


I said quietly as i watched the people disappear.

Ron's eyes widened. "Where did you learn that spell?" he ask as he looked at the empty place where the body's laid.

I shrugged. "I read it somewhere. I don't remember where though. I think it's from one of my books back in the dorms" I say looked over at him.

Once we made sure the coast was clear we quickly walked out of the abandoned storage shed and began to walk towards the building.

I steadied my breath as we neared the entrance of the building.

Go time.

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