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As soon as my feet hit the ground I look up and see a beautiful white tent with gorgeous white flowers littered all around. I can hear the slight buzz of people talking. Once I walk in its even more beautiful. Theres small lights hanging lighting up the tent with small tables where most are huddled in groups talking and socializing.

"Paisley! You made it" I look over to see a gorgeous looking Hermione running towards me. She throws her arms around and hugs me. Once we part i smile "Oh Hermione you look gorgeous" I say looking at her gorgeous dress. It was almost the same color as mine but laced and shorter. "Thank you and so do you"she says smiling looking me up and down.

She grabs my hand and pulls me towards Harry, Ron, Ginny and the twins Fred and George. "Hey guys!" U say grinning. "Hey" the twins say in unison which makes everyone laugh. We talked and laughed, I didn't know Ginny very well but i was starting to love her. I'm so glad Harry's happy with her there so great with each other.

Soon the wedding starts and ends pretty quickly and everyone begins socializing again and having a good time. I never thought i missed the Weasleys so much. Mrs and Mr Weasley are one of the kindest people i know and i wish nothing bad happen to them ever.

Even though i'd only been gone for a few hours i already missed draco. I know it's stupid but i couldn't help it. Thankfully my friends were able to distract me. "Hey Paisley can i talk to you..Privately?" Harry asks snapping me out of my thoughts. I nod and he pulls me off to the side where nobody else is.

"So what did you want to talk about?" I ask looking at him confused he looked on edge which was normal for harry but he seemed more so then usual.

"Ok um" he says nervously wringing his hands together.

"Come on spit it out" I say looking at him worry making it's way on my face. He sighs and says "Look i don't want to ruin our friendship and please don't take this the wrong way but I think Draco is a Death eater."

My eyes widen and a small gasp leaves my mouth my heart began to beat faster. "He's not and I don't know where your getting this from" I say crossing my arms anger rising. "Look iv just noticed him sneaking around the castle a lot lately and iv followed him before and somehow he just disappears out of nowhere and you know his parents are." he says looking at me concerned. "I'm not trying to mess up whatever is going on between you two but i just wanted to make you aware." he says tucking his hands into his dress pant pockets.

"He's not so just stop okay?" I say before walking away from harry and out of the tent I needed some fresh air and the tent was way to crowded. I walk to the edge of the party where the noise is drowned out and all i can hear is the tall grass swaying. I sigh as i watch the sun set my head filling with a million thoughts. Unwelcome thoughts that i didn't want to have.

There's no way he could be a death eater-right?

I hear foot steps behind me and i turn around to see Hermione behind me i half smile and look back at the setting sun. "Are you okay?' she asks quietly I look over at her and nod my head.

She rubs my back a little before turning to walk away. I turn to face her "Hermione?" i ask quietly looking back at her. She turns around and looks at me worriedly like she already knew what i was going to ask her and she dreaded the question. "Do you think Draco's a Death eater too?" I question her.

She slowly walks up to me and grabs my hands holding them gently. "Do you?" she asks. I sigh and look away from her for a second thinking about what to say to her. I turn back towards her "I don't think so- but apart of me still wonders. I mean his parents are loyal death eaters." she looks at me " But that doesn't mean he is one paise Just because Harry thinks he's been acting weird doesn't necessarily mean the worst."

I sigh and nod "Your right Hermione" I say softly nodding. " You know we all may be best friends but that doesn't mean i always agree with what any of them say or do" She adds grabbing my hand and giving it a slight squeeze. I give her a half smile before she nods and walks away and back into the tent joining in on a conversation with Harry and Ron.

I wait a few more minutes enjoying the cool night air on my skin then i make my way back into the crowded tent and joining Hermione and the boys. Pushing all the bad thoughts back. I wanted to enjoy this beautiful night. Harry looked up giving me an apologetic look i smile and nod silently telling him it was okay and i had no hard feelings towards him or what he thought. He was allowed to have thoughts and opinions. But that didn't mean that i had to have the same thoughts and opinions.

I enjoyed the rest of my night simply having fun with my best friends and totally forgetting about the whole deatheater thing with Harry and Draco. Soon it was late and we all aperated back to Hogwarts landing right in front of the huge gate.

Thank merlin someone was waiting for our arrival otherwise we'd be stuck outside all night and that would have sucked. We all walked through the empty castle and made our way into the Gryffindor common room.

We all said our goodnights and Hermione and i made our way into our common room. We both sleepily changed out of our dresses and into more comfortable cloths. I crawled under my blankets and almost immediately fell asleep.

okay yeah this chapter sucks but it's kinda just a filler. Be ready for some good chapters soon!!

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