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As Hermione and i made our way to the secret party we snuck down the dark corridors. As we got closer we could hear the slight buzz of the upbeat music.

We walked in to see a crowded room some are dancing and others are sitting drinking fire whiskey laughing and talking. Fred made his way over to us and handed us a drink. I nodded thanking Fred and begin walking into the room.

The music was blaring thank Merlin for a quieting spell otherwise we'd all be getting a weeks worth of detention. I sipped my fire whiskey relishing in the cinnamon burn as Hermione sat hers down as we took a seat at a table off to the side.

I knew Hermione wasn't a big drinker so i didn't bother her about it and i just continued to sip on mine. I watched as the room became fuzzy and before i knew it i was dancing, laughing and enjoying my self. Hermione was pulled away and was chatting with Luna and Neville quietly in a corner of the room. I sighed tired of dancing and began to make my way out to a Terrace to get some fresh air.

In that second the crisp night air hit my face i was sober. I sat down and i watched the stars
admiring the way they lit up the sky so beautifully. Soon i heard someone come out before i look back i shake my head knowing it was Hermione coming to check up on me. She was good like that. Always making sure everyone was okay. A small drunken smile spreads across my face as i said  "Hermione i'm fine go have fun. I slur my words a bit- apparently not as sober as i had initially thought before i hear his voice and i go completely still.

"Im definitely not that mudblood Hermione."

I widen my eyes and turn around to see Draco in a black suit, if he hadn't just insulted my friend he might have just looked good. "Malfoy" I say in a rude tone my brows furrowed at the smirk that appeared on his face. "Don't you ever talk about Hermione like that again" I say as i gave him a death glare.

I get up to leave not wanting to deal with his blood purity bullshit but before i can get away i trip over my heel and his strong arms catch me just in time before i face plant. "Easy now Young" he says in a soft tone as he steadys me. His hands gripping my arms surprisingly soft as he holds me up.

I looked at him with a confused look not sure why he wasn't yelling at me to watch my step. "Oh? What was that? Draco Malfoy not yelling or saying something awful to someone. I say with fake smile my words still slightly slurred. I try to push past him but he stops me and pushes me against the wall. I could feel his hot breath on my neck and goosebumps rose on my skin at the sudden contact. Before i could tell him to let me go.

He kisses me

Draco Malfoy

Kissing me? At first i don't kiss him back in complete shock but his soft lips gently touch mine and it's like there begging for me to kiss him back. And in that second my heart betrays me and i kiss him back.

At first it was soft gentle but then it urgent and rougher. Almost like he needed it to continue living. As i kiss him his intoxicating smell enters my noise, I snake my hands around his neck and play with his soft white- blonde hair. I never knew kissing someone could feel so good. Be so intoxicating.

Once I came to my senses I pushed him away and ran off back into the party. As i try to compose my thoughts and process what had just happened. I look around the room and find Hermione and let her know that I would be leaving early. She insisted that she come with me but I assured her that i was fine and that I just want to have some peace and quiet and to get some sleep and that i wanted her to enjoy the party she nodded and continued her conversation with Luna And Neville.

I snuck my way down the dark corridors as quickly and as quietly as I could. Once i reached the common room i sighed thanking merlin that the common room was empty and i didn't have to explain anything to anybody. I rushed up the stairs and quietly closed the door behind me. I plopped on my bed my heart still racing from what had just happened. I touch my lips softly and rewinded everything that had just happened.

Draco Malfoy kissed me?

Questions upon questions kept popping up in my head. None of it made since. We were enemies. Enemies didn't kiss each other. I rolled my eyes and decide to take a nice hot shower to try and clear my head a bit. I wouldn't be able to think straight if i was still drunk off my ass. Once i'm in I turned the water hot on and allowed the hot water to turn my skin pink. I scrubbed at my skin to wash off all the sweat that coated my body.

Once i feel a little bit better and a little bit more sober i got out and threw myself in my bed. I pulled the covers over me and blew out my candle and fall asleep hoping that i would just forget about Draco kissing me.

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