thirty six.

207 5 0

18++ scene.

I wake up wrapped in his arms. And all i can think about is how i want to wake up like this for the rest of my life. I move my head slightly and look up and him through my lashes. He looks so peaceful and i cant help but smile to myself.

"I can feel you staring" his deep morning voice make my body hot. He opens his eyes and smiles and leans in kissing my forehead gently.

"Good morning beautiful." he says before getting up off the bed and walking into his bathroom leaving me in his bed missing his warmth. I hear the shower turn on and i watch as Draco walks back to the door with a smirk on his face.

"Are you coming?" He asks with a wide grin on his face. I giggle quietly before moving to get up.  I notice the ache in my bones is nearly gone and my head doesn't pound. I let out a sigh of relief when i stand up and my leg's don't buckle.

I walk into the bathroom to see Draco already in the shower. Heat explodes through my body just at the sight of him. I begin to undress out of the clothes Draco let me borrow and look into the mirror. I gasp slightly when i fully look at my body. I'm skin in bones. My eyes trail over the scars that were to big for the cream Draco had rubbed on me while i was unconscious to heal the massive gashs.

I trace them feeling the rough skin under my finger tips. My eyes begin to water and i look away from the mirror and take the rest of my cloths off and walk into the overly big shower. I didn't want to see the damage that had been done to my body.

Draco moves so that i can get under the warm water. Goosebumps form onto my skin as the hot water hits my cold skin. The hot water feels good on my skin. Draco wraps hit arms around me and kisses my neck gently. i lean back into him enjoying his touch.

"Let me wash your hair"

he whispers softly into my ear. I nod slightly as he reaches for the shampoo bottle and begins to lather it into my scalp gently. I close my eyes as pleasure washes over me. I smile thinking of the times back in hogwarts when wed take showers together and wash eachothers hair.

I turn around and look up at him. His wet hair messy and pushed back. It reminds me of how he did his hair when he was a little boy. I wrap my arms around his neck and play with his hair and lean in to kiss him. He kisses me back softly and trails his hands down my body until his arms are wrapped around my waist and pulls me closer until there's no room left and i can feel something poking my stomach. I smile into the kiss and move my hands from his neck down to his bulge as a hot pulse began between my legs that i couldn't ignore.

I began to move my hand up and down earning a low guttural moan from Draco that vibrated down my throat making me even more wet. Draco pulled away from the kiss and cupped my cheeks

"We don't have to" he says softly. His mouth was saying one thing but one look in his lust filled eyes told me another thing. I smirk and remove his hands from my cheeks and guiding them to rest on my boobs.

"You have two choices here Draco" I say looking into his eyes and moving my hand back to his cock.

"We can eaither fuck.. or we can continue showering" I say with a smirk on my face. It doesn't take him any time to pick me up and push me up against the cold shower walls and roughly kiss me i let out a gasp when the cold wall hits my warm skin. I wrap my legs around his waist and slowly slipping his member in. I shuddered at the feeling of having in inside me. Once i was adjusted to his size He captured my lips and began to thrust in a out as we moaned into each other's mouths which only made the heat intensify.

He broke the kiss and began to kiss my neck and all the delicious pulse points. God how i missed sex over the past few months. Soft moans left my mouth as he began to speed up i threw my head back as pleasure pulsed though out my body. I bit my bottom lip as i try to hold in my moans unsure if there was anyone else in this house. The burning on my neck stops as Draco sets me back down on my feet then grabs my leg and throwing it over his shoulder and slams back into me i let out a whimper still trying to keep my moans in.

Draco leans in kissing me harshly making my lips burn he takes my bottom lip and pulls it making me release my grip on it before leaning in and whispering

"I want to hear your moans"

Before i'm able to say anything back he begins to move faster and i let out a loud moan from the new tigher angle.

"God you feel so good"

He says before taking his hand and and rubbing my clit making me moan even louder at his words and his hands. I can feel my walls began to tighten up as my climax builds.

"D-draco" I say breathlessly.

"I'm gonna c-cum"

"Cum" He says smirking

I explode as i finally cum. Loud moans escape from both of us as we both reached our climax at the same. He pulls out slowly and i can feel myself dripping. He captures my lips once more and my lips begin to quiver. I let out a soft giggle.

"We should probably finish our shower"

He smiled and nods and we finish our shower and i use my wand that Draco managed to snatch when everything went down and i dried my hair and slipped on some of dracos soft gray sweat pants and one of his hoodies.

He walks up behind and hugs me softly. I smile and turn around sliding my hands around his neck and looking up into his eyes

"I love you" I say softly. He grins widely and kisses me softly.

"I love you too" he says through a grin. my heart beat quickens and i smile again.My smile fades as a worried looks appears on dracos face. I look at him confused but before i can ask what's wrong he quietly says

"My mother wants to meet you"

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