fifty one.

113 2 0

The sky is a dark gray when my feet hit the ground. The sun is not shining. It hides and the world is standing still. Holding its breath. Hiding from what's about to happen. The tragedy that is about to unfold.

The wind is cold and it cuts my cheeks till i feel as though they are dripping with blood. The type of chill you can feel deep down in your bones.

I look up at the castle count 1,2,3 breathes when i realize the quiet. So quiet i can only hear the thump thump thump of my heart as it beats in my chest.

Everything begins to happen so fast it's a blur. There's lights flashing everywhere some red some green some blue and it's chaos everywhere and all i can hear is my heart pounding and the rush of my breath. Everything's happening at once and things are exploding, chunks of buildings crumbling at my feet and people are running, tending to the wounded and that's when it hits me.

The screams the cries and im sucking down air trying to calm myself down and focus when i realize iv lost Draco and i don't know where he is or where to even start to look and then something is flying at me so fast i barely have time to deflect it.

My wand is in my hand and im already pointing it in the direction of the spell already whispering the incantation. It gives me an odd feeling as it rolls off my tongue. I don't realize iv done it till it's already done and there's no going back.

The man drops dead 10 feet away from me.

His body is laying in all sorts of different angles, angles that the human body shouldn't be able to bend in surely not without the bones breaking. He's laying face down on the concrete and i don't even get to see the man i just killed before i'm being dragged off.

Someone's hands are on my face trying to get my attention but all i can hear and see is the man i just murdered and his crumpled body laying on the concrete. Flashing in front of my eyes on repeat.

Someone is shaking me yelling my name there voice is high pitched with worry but it's also a voice that's so so tired. A familiar voice that has me snapping out of my stupor and pulling her into a fierce hug.

"Hermione" I whisper holding back tears. She quickly pulled back holding me in place by my shoulders looking me up in down as if she was checking me for any injuries.

"I'm okay" I said quietly taking her hand into mine and giving it a quick reassuring squeeze.

She nodded letting me go just before another body slammed into me.

"We missed you so much Paise. We tried to go back for you but we ran out of time" Ron said pulling back and giving me a once over like Hermione did.

I nodded looking at them. The journey had not been kind to them. They were both far too skinny to be healthy. I look down at my shoes trying to push back the memories from our trip down. I looked back up at them licking my lips, sucking on a deep breath. "It's okay" I say avoiding all the details. They could wait. We had other more important things to deal with then talking about what happened to me. I wasn't even sure i wanted them to know.

"I'm glad to see you guys are okay but it seems that we have bigger issues on our hands" I say before moving to dodge a chunk of flying concrete. My hands flew to my face covering my eyes quickly trying to avoid any debris from flying in my eyes.

I looked around quickly finding a relatively safe spot and grabbed both Ron and Hermione's hands and dragging them to it.

"Did you guys find the last Horcruxs" I ask quickly keeping low and watching our surroundings. My eyes constantly darting around looking for any sign of danger.

"Yes" Hermione says with a rush looking around, her wand tight in her grip. Worry and determination dripping off her in waves.

"Good" I said quickly giving them both a quick hug already preparing myself to get back out there. I had to find Draco. I have to make sure he's okay.

I took one last look at them before giving them one nod and running off. There's so much that's happening all at once it's hard to focus on one thing. Time is slipping through my fingers and I'm throwing spells all around trying my hardest to disable all the death eaters. And as i go i come up upon our people as they lie there in pain as whatever curse they were hit with runs through their body's.

They wanted them to suffer before they died. I cringed at that thought as i walked around the now empty corridor. There were body's everywhere. Some death eaters some not. Each and everyone one them either dead or hanging on by a thread. Trying so hard to fight, to stay alive.

I try to help as many of them as i can. Try to drag them to safety, figure out what curse it was and figure out how to reverse it. It's hard on the mind but when you figure it out it's quite rewarding. But you can't save them all and so you hold there hand as they take there final breathes and whisper words of reassurance in the ears and try your damnedest to make sure that they know there not alone, that it's going to be okay even though you know it's a lie. You tell them that lie so that maybe they can die without being scared. That there last moments would be happy thoughts and smiles and hope.

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