twenty eight.

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The next few weeks went by dreadfully slow. Hermione and i drowned our selves in research and reading as much as we possibly could about dark magic and horcruxs with what little amount of books we had. We practically absorbed every ounce of information we possibly could. I'd read and re read every book Hermione had snatched from Hogwarts the day of the attack to find out as much as i possibly could to see if we'd missed anything or even a simple detail.

All we knew so far was that when we were close to a horcrux harry's scar would burn and he'd feel it. Almost like it was a part of him. We already got rid of one horcrux when harry stabbed toms Journal in the chamber of secrets when he was saving Ginny. We also knew that one of the horcruxs was a necklace. We thankfully had a idea on how to destroy them too. We knew that basilisk venom could destroy a horcrux because harry used one to destroy toms Journal. From Hermione and i's research Fiendfyre, The sword of Gryffindor are also able to kill a horcrux.

I tried to keep myself as busy as possible so that i wouldn't have to think about Draco. I'd found it impossible to think about him without my mind wondering and thinking that something bad had happened to him and how he could be dead and that Hogwarts would be the last time i'd see him every time that would happen i started to read again. i couldn't think about it. It ate at me. So to keep myself from going insane and apprating to the Malfoy manor and blowing Hermione, Harry and Ron's cover so i simply decided against it and focused on the books and tried my best not to jump to conclusions.

Two weeks later we'd figured out where a horcrux could be. Harry had told us about his and dumbledores mission the day he died. They had found a horcrux but it was a fake. He told us that they barely made it out alive. But the good thing was we knew of a horcrux and what it looked like.

"We'll need to use a poly potion"

I added as we discussed how we were going to get into the ministry. We couldn't just walk in. We be taken on sight probably taken straight to the dark lord and probably tortured and killed. If not that probably forced to take the dark mark. I shivered slightly at the thought of that happening.

"Okay so the plan is we go to the ministry use a poly potions find the horcrux" Harry asks crossing his arms against his chest.

I nodded.

"And we have the ingredients for a poly potion?" Harry asked looking over at Hermione.

"Yes i already brewed it just in case we needed it, all we need is hair" She tells Harry quietly. I smiled a bit. Hermione was always prepared. She always knew all the right things to grab. I was glad to have her with us.

"We'll have find people who work at the ministry. we can't just walk in as random people and it not be suspicious." Ron adds.

We all nodded in agreement.

"We"ll go in the morning" Harry says before walking out of the tent.

He'd been quite distant lately. I understand though. He was the chosen one. He had so much put on his shoulders it was wearing him down slowly. But overall i think he just really misses Ginny. I sighed a grabbed my hoodie and slipped it on and walked out of the tent. I looked over to see harry sitting against a tree looking out in the distance like something was interesting.

I walked over to him and sat beside him quietly. I wrapped my hoodie around myself to keep in as much body heat i had left. We didn't break the silence for a while. I watch the trees sway from the wind and the little puffs of fog that came from my mouth. I began to pick at the rip in my jeans. Pulling the threads until the hole grew larger. We just enjoyed each other's presents as we watched the sun set and the stars begin to litter the sky and the sky turned an inky black.

"Do- do you think we'll be about to kill Voldemort?" he asks quietly not looking at me. He continued to stare out at the sky. Looking at it as if he might find all the answers in the pale blueness. I wanted to tell him yes immediately and that there was no doubt. I mean he'd killed him twice now. Once as an baby and in the chamber of secrets when he'd saved Ginny.

A hopeful smile spread across my face. I silently sighed. Whatever i believed could happen i would keep to myself. War was a nasty unforgiving thing and All we have is each other in the end and we have to make the most out of that. So instead of telling him what i really thought i simply said


I say looking over at him for a second studying his facial expressions then back to the stars. I reach up to my neck and untuck the star necklace Draco had given me. I played with it mindlessly while my thoughts go rampid.

"We have to"

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