forty two.

103 2 0

She's burning.

And she's sure she's in hell. so sure of it that when she opens her eyes she expects fire. Hot burning fire. An endless fire that never goes out will never go out.
But it's not.

Because when she opens her eyes there's the soft glow of the early morning sun and the feeling of a bed is under her.

And she's relived. Thinks maybe she's not in hell.

But that wouldn't explain how she's still on fire. Her whole body is burning and she knows pain wouldn't be here. Couldn't follow her.

She can't move. Not without feeling the burning intensify. But her mouth is so dry she try's anyways. Thinks that maybe it's all in her head. That somehow the searing pain isn't real.

But as she try's to move she gasps out in pain and her vision blurs. White spots dance in her eyes.

And then there's a rustling. A sure sign that she's not alone. Then with her blurry vision the outline of a human is there standing over her. She can see his mouth moving. Strains to hear him but she can't. because she can't focus with the excruciating pain that is her body.

The next thing she knows there a soft hint of yelling and then seconds later two more figures appear and she still can't focus her eyes. Can't seem to get them to work.

Then someone's in her face and she can barely make out what there saying and she can only make out a few words

"Im sorry.. i'm sorry.. it's gonna hurt.. but it's gonna help"

Then all she knows is pain.

She feels as if all she'll ever know is this pain.It's never ending. she feels as though her brain is going to explode from it. Like it can't take it anymore. Maybe it can't.

She can feel someone screaming. And she isn't sure if it's one of the figures hovering over her or it's her that's screaming. She figures it's probably her.

She can hear someone chanting like there preforming a spell of some sort and then there shoving something down her throat.

And she feels that something is horribly wrong. Feels as though something is dying inside of her. And she's trying to fight it. Trying to get whatever it is to stay. Because she isn't sure why but she loves whatever it is. So heartbreakingly much when it disappears she feels as though someone has taken a knife and shoved it through her heart and twisted it for good measure.

She lets out a scream. One she can fully hear and then something else is shoved down her throat and her eyes get sleepy. And darkness pursues and she lets it.

Lets the darkness take her. Because she's hoping to find whatever it was that was holding on so tightly inside of her.

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