forty eight.

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When i woke up there was a heavy body on top of me. I looked down to see it was Draco. We had fallen asleep in the library. I looked over at the window to see the sun was almost fully set, the last little rays of sunlight were fading quickly. I glanced down at Draco he looked so peaceful and relaxed, totally different then when he was awake as he was tense and always seemed on edge, waiting for something to happen.

He had his arms wrapped around me and his head on my stomach. I couldn't help but smile. I reached down and ran a soothing hand through his hair. The softness of it always surprising me. He stirred slightly, wrapping his arms tighter against me and looked up at me with tired eyes. He sat up slowly and leaned forward until he was leaning over me.

His face was inches from mine and i could feel his breath of my face. I leaned forward closing the distance between us kissing him softly. He reached down grabbing my hips and yanking me farther down so i was laying all the way down on the sofa. I let out a little squeal against his lips. He let out a deep chuckle moving to my neck leaving little bruises in his wake. I breath hitched as heat began to pool in my stomach.

I pulled him closer even though there wasn't much space between us to begin with. Once he was satisfied he pulled back and looked at me. His eyes examining the work he had just done on my neck. I couldn't help as a blush worked it's way up onto my cheeks. No matter how much time iv spent with him he still managed to make me nervous.

I don't think there would ever be a time where he didn't make me nervous. He smirked and heat filled his gaze. He leaned down and kissed me again. It felt like he was ravishing me. Before the kisses were gentle and sweet now they had morphed to hot and needy.

Before i could protest he lifted me up and threw me over his shoulder. I couldn't help but laugh. He let out a husky chuckle and slapped my ass. "Draco" I squealed. I couldn't see his face but i just knew he was smirking. I shook my head a smile plastered on my face.

I watched the ground as we moved to Dracos room anticipation rolling in my stomach at what was to come. Once we finally reach his room he threw me on the bed and i watched as he picked up his wand and muttered a few incantations before setting his eyes on me.

He prowled over to me and smashed our lips together. I moaned as his hands ran over my body teasingly. He reached up and pulled my shirt off before leaning down and kissing his way down my stomach. He looked up at me and the heat pooling in my stomach intensified. He slowly un zipped the zipper on my skirt leaving occasional kisses down my thighs as he went.

Once he finally had it all the way down he pulled my skirt off and returned to kissing the inside of my thigh slowly getting closer to where i want him. I gasp when he finally reaches it. He looks up at me and smirks and continues. I lay my head back and begin to pant with anticipation. He let out a deep growl that i could feel reverberate through my body.
"Draco" I gasp not being able to stand it any longer. He throws my panties off to the side and they become long forgotten as he begins his work licking and sucking in all the right places.

"Hmm?" he stops and looks at me expectantly.

"Please" I whine. I couldn't take it anymore i needed him and i needed him now.

"Please what?" He asks hovering over my core. Just his breath was sending me in a frenzy.

"Please fuck me Draco" I panted unable to take it anymore.

The moment the words left my mouth his whole demeanor changed. There was something primal in the way he was looking at me. Like he was about to devour me. It made my mouth water and my stomach tighten.

He was on me in an instant. Kissing me with much more authority then he had ever before. It lit something deep down inside me. I was burning with desire for him. I felt his lips stretch into a smile as i pulled him closer. Needing more.

I reached down and began undoing the buttons on his shirt. He reached down hiking my leg up higher and I could feel his hardness through his pants.

I let out a irritated sigh when i couldn't get the buttons. I grabbed each side of his shirt and yanked them apart sending buttons flying across the room and moved my hands to touch the hard planes of his chest. I slid my hands lower rubbing his hard length.

Before i even knew what was happening he had his pants off and me flipped over on my stomach. I gasped at the sudden change of position. He leaned down running his hands along my body as his mouth got closer to my ear. I shuddered as his breath washed over me. I could feel goose bumps forming.

"You want me to fuck you so that's exactly what i'll do" he whispered in my ear slowly. I shivered with anticipation.

Without any warning he slammed into me and i cried out moaning into the pillows. He slammed into me again and again and i couldn't suppress the moans that were pouring out of my mouth. I gripped the sheets hard as he slammed into me. I could hear his groans of pleasure which only pushed me closer to the edge.

I pushed back on him in rhythm with his thrusts which only seemed to drive him further. He gripped my hips so hard there would be little finger prints in the morning. I let out a gasp when he hit that perfect spot.

"Right there" I moaned out reaching back to grip his forearm as he drove into me with hard thrusts. I could feel myself beginning to boil over with each hardening thrust.

"Oh fuck Draco" I breathlessly moaned. I quickly sat up leaning against him so the angle was tighter.

"D-Draco" I moaned as i free fell over the edge. I saw stars as pure ecstasy washed over me. I leaned farther back into Draco and he groaned as he found his release.

We sat there in that position for a little bit as we rode out the orgasm. When he finally pulled out I winced a little bit as the soreness began to set in. Draco kissed my cheek and laid down pulling me close to his chest and wrapping his arms around me.

I yawned exhausted. I could barely keep my eyes open as Dracos warmth spread around me. He kissed my forehead gently pulling the blanket up tighter around me. I smiled and kissed his chest.

"Goodnight Paise"  Draco whispered in a gruff tired voice.

"Goodnight Draco" I whispered back cuddling closer into him before immediately falling fast asleep.

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