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I never thought I would be enjoying Draco's company but here I was letting him blindly lead me to who knows where. We continue to walk a few more minutes and I found my self getting nervous. I had no idea where he was taking me. We suddenly stop and I hear him say "okay you can uncover your eyes now."

I uncover my eyes and look around. He brought me to a hidden lake that was frozen over due to the cold weather. I chuckle which turns into a full on laugh that has be bending over trying to catch my breath.

"There's no way i'm getting on that ice" I say shaking my head as i watch him magically put ice skates on and glide over the ice.

He chuckled. "Oh come on is someone scared" he teased grinning. I glare at him crossing my arms across my chest. "I'm not scared..." I trail off. "Iv just never skated before" I say quietly and looking down at my snow covered boots. "Hey.. that's okay i'll hold your hand the whole time" he says softly and reaches out his hand for me to take. I softly sigh and step onto the ice as he magically makes ice skates appear on my feet. I almost fell immediately but thankfully Draco was fast enough to keep me from falling face first into the ice.

He grabbed my hand and i tightly held onto it as he began to slowly guide me over the ice showing me the proper movements.

After a few times around and I felt a little bit more comfortable on the ice with him. He picked up the speed which made me lean backwards as he tried to catch me our skates got caught together and we fell down. I open my eyes to see Draco's face inches from mine. My body on top of his. He looked up at me and grinned seeing that i was on top of him. I lean down and kiss him gently before pushing myself off of him and him helping me up.

I began to shiver due to my wet cloths from all the falling. Draco must have noticed as he guided me over to the edge of the lake and pulling out his wand and making the skates disappear. He pulled me close attempting to warm me up as much as possible. I smiled as i leaned into him, his body heat warming my cold skin up.

We began our way towards the castle. Soon we reached the castle. "You can come with me to the Slytherin common room. Nobody else is there" he says looking down at me. I smile and nod and we make our way to the common room. I was actually excited to see what the Slytherin common room looked like for i had never been in there before. Id been in Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs common room before but never Slytherins. I just never had a reason to go down there and Gryffindors weren't allowed even close.

Once we reach the Slytherin common room portrait Draco looks at me "I hope you don't mind the password." He says looking down at me " I mean i know that your a Pureblood but also i know that your friends with that Granger girl."

"What is it" I ask. He sighs and says the word "Pureblood" And the common room door opens up. "Oh. well your not the one who chose the password so." I say looking at him and then to the opening of the door.

I look around the common room. It was dark and gloomy totally opposite of the Gryffindor common room where it was cosy and welcoming. The walls were  bricks and the furniture was Slytherin green and there were no windows to allow sunlight to come in other then the one that over looked the Black Lake.

"What do you think" He asks sitting on the sofa and motioning for me to sit with him.

I take one more glance around "It's not bad" I say as i sit down and lean on his chest. He chuckles tucking a blanket around us.

"It's definitely different from the other houses common rooms" I say as he begins to play with my hair. I lean back farther into his chest.  We laid there together for a few hours making small talk and getting to know each other more. Soon it was dinner time and my stomach was beginning in growl. Draco chuckled hearing it. "Are you hungry ?" I nod giggling a bit when the growling continued.

He looked up at the clock that was on the wall. "Well it's dinner time. So wanna go?" He asks points over his shoulder at the clock. I nod and i get up off of the sofa with Draco following. We walk out of the Slytherin common room and make the walk to the great hall. We both walk to the entrance and i look over to see Neville eating alone at the Gryffindor table.

I pull Draco to the side of the corridor. "Maybe it's best if we don't walk in together. I haven't told any of my friends about us.. and i don't want them to hear it from Neville." I say to him softly trying to get him to understand where i was coming from. "I promise i'm going to tell them i just have to figure out the right way to" I reassured him he nods. "It's okay. Don't worry about it" he says. "I know i haven't been the nicest person to your friends" He says guiltily running a hand through his hair."Its okay just don't do it anymore" I say as i kiss him on the cheek,  waving goodbye and walking into the great hall and sitting next to Neville.

"Hey" I say softly as i take a drink of pumpkin juice. Neville turns to me. "Hey" he says back kindly "How was hogsmeade?" I ask while taking a bite of my chicken. "It was good" he said with a smile. "I was actually there all day I just got back" he says after taking a bite of what he was eating. Soon after i sat down Draco walked in a sit in his usual spot at the Slytherin table. I continued eating and listening to Neville's story's about hogsmeade.

After i was done i said my goodbyes and started my way to the common room. Draco had followed me out and walked me to the Gryffindor common room. "You know you really don't have to walk me all the way" I say looking over at him a smile on my lips. "But i want to" he says nudging me playfully.

When we reach the common room i kiss him softly and wave goodbye saying the password quietly and walking in and into the girls dorms. I quickly undress and put my pjs on and crawl into bed and quickly fall asleep.

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