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The rest of Christmas break went by quickly too quickly. Draco and i hung out pretty much every second of the day. I'd gotten the know a total different side of him and i was loving it although i found it confusing at times. It was so odd seeing a sweet caring side of Draco when all I had ever seen was a mean and harsh side of him. It's definitely something i'll have to get used to but i wasn't complaining. I liked seeing this new side of Draco. I learned something new about him everyday.

Tomorrow everyone will be coming back and my nerves are everywhere. I was so nervous to tell them about me and Draco- what their reaction would be. I just hope they will take it well and i won't loose my best friends because that would be horrible. Draco had snuck me into his common room again which is where i pretty much spent my whole break.

Neville had started to ask questions of where i'd been all day and i was thankful that i was able to come up with a good enough excuse that he stopped asking questions. I sat on the sofa while reading the book Hermione had gotten me for Christmas as i listened to Draco hum as he read a book as well.

Like every night we go to the great hall and go our separate ways the rest of the night. Some nights when Neville had gone to bed i'd sneak down to the Slytherin common room and meet Draco and end up falling asleep in his arms.

Today was the day Everyone got back so i was lounging on the sofa in the gryffindor common room reading a book when everyone began to trickle in. Soon Harry, Hermione and Ron walked in. I jumped up and hugged them. "I missed you guys!!" I say as i hugged them. They all laughed hugging me back. "We missed you to Paisley".

The rest of the night we spent catching up. They were telling me about all the things that they did all Christmas break. Hours had passed by and I look over at the clock that read 12:05 "Oh geez we should probably head to bed it's late and i'm sure you guys are tired from all of the traveling." I say getting up and stretching.

Hermione nodded in agreement and followed me to the girls dorms. I changed into my pjs and crawled into bed saying good night to Hermione and closing my eyes. I tossed and turned pretty much all night. It felt weird not being with Draco. I missed cuddling him and sneaking around at night to see him.

Thankfully I was able to get a few hours of sleep before Hermione shook me awake. I groaned and rolled out of bed- literally smacking my face on the cold flooring of the dormitory. I sigh as i drag myself from the ground and walk into the bathroom. Turning the hot water on and stepping into the shower i let it slide down my skin enjoying the heat.

Unfortunately classes started back up again so i dragged myself out of the shower and dressed in my Gryffindor robes and grabbed my things and headed out of the dorms and to the great hall for breakfast.

I glance over to the Slytherin table to see Draco chatting with Blaise. I'd never really knew Blaise but from what iv heard he's an ass. I glance away and sit next to Harry and begin eating some toast. I laughed as i see the boys are having a contest on who can eat as much toast as they can before classes. I look over at Hermione who is watching them with a glare but i can see a tiny smile when Ron managed to beat Harry by one piece of toast.

I was thankful when classes went by quickly because i was so tired i almost fell asleep in potions class today which Snape noticed and took 5 points from Gryffindor. I swear he hated Gryffindor and it was obvious because he favored Slytherin and let them do whatever they wanted and didn't care. I was really good at potions which i think ticked snape off because it wasn't a Slytherin who was at the top of the class although Draco was good at potions too.

Later that day i had decided to go with Hermione to watch the boys quidditch practice. We sat on the Gryffindor side and quickly noticed that the Slytherin team was also trying to practice. "Oh no this can't be good" I mumbled softly to Hermione who nodded in agreement. We watched as the Gryffindor team made there way onto the field.

Almost as soon as they stepped on the field a argument arose on the field. Hermione and i watched as they decided to practice on half of the field which quickly failed because each team kept on going on the other teams side.

After another heated argument they had decided to just play against each other since there next game was in 2 days and they didn't have much time to practice. I looked over the Slytherin team to see Draco staring at me and grinning. I smiled back and looked back over at the Gryffindor team. "Why is Malfoy staring at you?" I hear Hermione say and look over at me.

I look at her then back at Draco who was still staring at me. I shrug "Oh um i don't know" I lied. "Iv noticed him staring at you a lot lately.. is there something going on between you guys?" She asks looking at me. "No" I lie again but i have a feeling that she didn't believe me. I tried my best not to look over at Draco the rest of practice which id be lying if i said was easy. He looked really good on his broom and in his quidditch uniform.

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