twenty four.

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Souls don't speak,
yet ours spoke fluently

The familiar nauseous feeling of apparition flooded my senses. The horrible feeling of spinning and twirling of apparition was not something I particularly liked. I shake it off and I look up to the the Weasleys house standing tall. I look over at Hermione who gives me a soft smile and we begin to walk up to the house. Walking into the house I immediately began looking was nothing like my house. It was so cozy and I automatically felt safe. The dark and soft reds littered the house making it even more beautiful.

"Paisley? Hermione?"

Hermione and i turn to see harry and Ron walking from what looked like the living room along with a sweet looking red headed women.

"Ah paisley its been so long! I heard about the attack I'm so glad you guys are safe" Mrs. Weasley says in her motherly voice. she leans in giving me a much needed hug. she pulls away and cups my face.

"Oh sweetheart I'm very sorry about your father. He was a great man" she says half smiling.

i nod slightly not really sure what to say to her since i still didn't really know how to talk about it.

"Thank you Mrs. Weasley. And I'm sorry for the intrusion" I say shyly.

"Oh please dear, your always welcome and please call me Molly" she said smiling.

I nod once more. "Ron please show the girls there room" Mrs. Weasley says as she walks to the kitchen to begin dinner.

"Yes mum"  Ron says lazily as he begins to walk up the stairs.

Walking up the stairs I noticed several family pictures but little to no charmed portraits. Once we make it to the room both Hermione and chose our beds and I set my purse on the bed and sat on the edge of it and let out a long sigh.

"Paisley what are you doing back here? Why aren't you still with your mom" Harry asks from the corner of the room.

"My mom insisted I return to finish the term and i really needed to talk to Draco and i missed you guys " I said softly looking down at my feet sill trying to understand what was all happening.

"Oh. I'm sorry about your dad by the way" Harry says nervously.

I nodded and gave him a slight smile.

The rest of the day Hermione and i settled in the best we could considering the circumstances. Hermione and i stayed up late last night talking about what had happened at Hogwarts and pretty much everything that shed learned about he-who-shall-no- be-named and the horcruxs.

She told me what Harry had seen Draco do to Dumbledore and how the wise professor was killed by not Draco but Professor Snape. The next few days were slow. The twins came home two days after the attack after they had gotten Ginny so it was nice to know the everyone had gotten back safe and that no body was badly hurt.

Also it was nice to have another girl to hang out other then Hermione who obsessed with reading every little thing about dark magic and how to destroy the horcruxes when we find them and she forced me to help so it was great when the twins would come interrupt us and drag Hermione outside to practice defensive and offensive magic. I was happy that i was able to focus on research and practice and not have  the constant thought of being away from Draco eating at me every second of the day.

If i were to have to explain how much it hurt being away from someone you love i don't know if i would be able to explain it fully but it would like explaining how its like suffocating when your not with them and when you are its like you've been drowning and there like a fresh breath of air. I'm thoughts are interrupted by Hermione walking into the room.

"Paisley dinners ready"

I nod my head and make my way down the stairs to the dinning room full of happy smiling people who i love to be around. I'd asked molly if it was safe to owl but she shut it down quickly saying it wasn't safe and that i should just wait to see what happens.

I took my usual seat next to Hermione and harry and dished some food onto my plate as everyone conversated around the table. It felt weird to be at a full table again. Other then being at Hogwarts my table at home is empty other then my mother now. It was always just my dad, mom and i at the large family table. Other then the dinner party's that we hosted every once and a while it was always just us.

My train of though is once again interrupted by not Hermione but Mrs. Weasley. The table goes quiet and everyone turns to her.

"I have a huge announcement" she says in a excited motherly voice.

"Bill and flur will be getting married in 3 days and it will be hosted here!" she says smiling

"Why would they have a wedding with what's happening right now?" I ask quietly confused on why they thought this was the right time to get married of all things.

"Even at the darkest times beautiful things can happen" she says smiling.

Ismile back nodding and the rest of dinner was mainly us girls talking about what ideas we had for the wedding and the boys mostly tuned us out and talked about guy things.

After dinner Hermione and i headed up to our room and get ready for bed knowing the next few days would be extremely busy.

okay yeah i hate this chapter but i really don't know what to do at the point of the book and this is pretty much a filler. okay i'll shut up now bye!

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