fifty five.

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4 years later


"Okay Mr. Green all your tests came back clean you can go home today." I smile watching him nod relief and joy clear on his face.

"Thank you so much Doctor." He says smiling.

Giving his shoulder a light squeeze i make my way out of his room and into the hall way of St. Mungos.

"Mr. Green is in the clear have someone bring him his discharge papers please." I tell the nurse next to me as i finish filling out the rest of my notes. The nurse smiles and nods before walking off to get the discharge papers.

Letting out a sigh i wince at the ache in my back. Rubbing it i try to relieve some of the tension but to no adviel. Moving my hands to my stomach i rub the bump smiling slightly.

"Any day now little one." I whisper rubbing my hands over my stomach. She answers back by sitting on my bladder and kicking me in the rib cage. I gasp feeling a warm liquid run down my legs. My heart beat quickens as i freeze in place looking down at the puddle forming at my feet. 

"Dr. Malfoy.. i think you just peed yourself." One of the doctors in training says next to me looking down at the puddle at my feet and back up to me once more.

He knocks me out of my stupor and everyone in the hall stops for a second and looks at me before jumping into action.

"No." I shake my head taking the outstretched hand of one of the fellow doctors as she try's to lead me to an empty room. I look back at the trainee "My water just broke, i'm having a baby. Get my husband." I say quickly as the first contraction starts. I try to breathe through the contractions but i can't help but grit my teeth as another comes on.

Just as it begins to fade there's a loud yelling down the hall and then a rush of foot steps before he's bursting into the doorway. The second he sees me he's immediately calmed down. He walks over to me grabbing my hand tightly and leaning down to kiss the side of my sweaty forehead looking me in my eyes.

"I got here as quick as i could. Is everything okay? Is the baby okay?" He asks worried looking me up and down as best he could. I nod and rest my hand on his cheek smiling up at him. His worried eyes calm as he leans his head into my palm.

"Everything's fine it's time. We're gonna have a baby" I smile overjoyed.

"We're gonna have a baby." He whispers excitedly grabbing my hand and giving it a light squeeze.

3 hours later

After a long grueling 3 hours id finally been able to hear the cry of my baby. I couldn't help the smile on my face as the nurse handed me my little bundle of joy.

She was the most beautiful thing in the world. Tears fell freely from my eyes as i stared down at my baby girl. Her eyes the perfect shade of silver. Holding her close i looked over at Draco not surprised to see tears sparkling in his eyes. He leaned down kissing the side of my head gently.

The nurse looked at us a smile etched on her face.

"Do you have a name for her in mind?"

I looked up a Draco who looked at me with so much love an admiration i was sure my heart would burst. I looked back at the nurse tears of joy falling down my cheeks.

"Isabella Malfoy." I said looking down at my daughter once more. My heart filling with the most overwhelming love for this little human in my arms. The nurse nodded smiling brightly "It's perfect." I smiled back looking back down at my daughter.

I looked up at Draco as he watched her. I lifted her up and gently set her in his arms. Watching as he held his daughter for the first time. My heart swelled at the sight of it.

5 years later

I wake up wrapped in Dracos arms. My eyes flutter open and look up at his sleeping face. Smile up at his peaceful face. I reach up and brush a piece of ice white hair from his eyes. Run my fingers over the soft planes of his face. His eyes flutter open and i'm met with the glow of his sliver eyes.

I can't help a small smile as pulls me closer to his chest. He kisses the top of my head gently and runs a hand through my hair. I look up and kiss him smiling into the kiss as his hands travel down my body.

A soft cry coming from the next room has us pulling apart with a groan. I lift my hands and cover my eyes sighing. "It's your turn my dear wife." Draco says a smirk gracing his face. He leans over me leaning down and connecting our lips once more. I lift my body up and wrap my arms around him deepening the kiss. He smirks into the kiss as the sounds of cry's grow louder and more agitated.

He pulls away before crawling out of bed "I'll make breakfast." He says before he walks out of the door. I groan getting out of bed and walking to the next room. I smile seeing Scorpius standing in his bed. His dark blue eyes immediately brightening at the sight of me.

I walk over to him and lift him out of his crib and hold him to my chest. He immediately grabs onto me letting out a bout of laughter out. I smile kissing the side of his head and make my way into Isabella's room. I quietly shake her awake and watch as her silver eyes— an almost exact replica of her fathers squint open. I smile brushing a strand of her long blonde hair out of her eyes. She smiles leaning up and kisses my cheek. "Good morning mommy" She says smiling as she makes her way out of bed.

She begins to make her way out of the room and i get up to follow her walking into the kitchen. "Good morning daddy" She says walking up and grabbing onto his leg. He smiles brightly, picking her up and bringing her into his arms. She squeals with laughter as he kisses her small cheeks. "Good morning baby" He says softly.

My heart swells and i can't help a smile as i watch the two. Thinking back i would have never thought i could be so happy. That my life could be like this. I thank Merlin every day that i was able to find this— this utter joy.

Because even though our life was messy and rough we still made it through— together. Id go through everything again and i wouldn't change a thing— because this is our story.

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