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We're kissing and i feel like i'm dreaming. Not in a million years would i think i would ever be kissing Draco Malfoy of all people. I mean he was a rude, arrogant, self involved and a person who only thought of himself.

His lips feel so nice against mine

I love the way his hair feels in my hands

and oh god how good he smells

and how safe i feel when i'm close to him

It's like a fantasy world and i never want to leave. But i know deep down i can't stay forever and it breaks my heart.

We pull apart and i feel his hot breath against my neck. He sighs and looks away from me and back up at the stars. "This won't work."I hear him say quietly.
I feel my heart break into a million pieces. How stupid of me to think that Draco Malfoy would like me. I can feel my eyes began to well up with tears i won't let fall. "Of course it won't" I say as bitterly as i can muster up but it was obvious that i was beginning to cry.

He doesn't even look at me. "Just say away from me Malfoy" I say before i storm off back inside the castle. Tears escape my eyes and i quickly wipe them away and walk down the dark corridors with the light of my wand as my only light source. I reach the common room and grab my potions book and began the walk up to the dorms. I quietly put my things down and change trying my best not to wake the sleeping Hermione. I slowly make my way into my bed and attempt to fall asleep trying my hardest to forget this night ever happened.

Dracos Pov

When i heard my last name spill out of her mouth i felt my heart break. "Just stay away from me Malfoy" continued playing in my head all night.
why couldn't she understand that I wanted to be close to her every second of the day.

I love the way it feels when i'm kissing her and how to feels to be near her. Shes like a drug and i'm addicted after one hit. I wish she knew how much i wanted this to work. But she'll hate me if she ever figures out what i am. And i don't think I could stand the thought of her hating me.

Paisleys pov

Were kissing again.
The late September sun is warming my body. We're laying in the grass leaning up against a great big oak tree. I look up at him and smile fascinated with him. His looks never seem to disappoint me . His gray eyes are like pools of endless silver. His pale skin almost looks angelic in the sun . He's playing with my hair running his fingers through it and i feel so happy. Relaxed.

Then i wake up hot and flustered. Was i really dreaming about kissing Draco again? I shake myself refusing to acknowledge it and get out of bed and get in the shower. I let the hot water run down my body thankfully and try to forget about what happened last night and the dream.

I forcefully get out of the shower and dress in my normal Gryffindor clothes and dry my hair magically. I notice Hermione is gone so she must be at breakfast already. I grab my books and make my way out of the dorms and to the great hall to eat breakfast.

I sit next to harry as always. "Nice of you to join us" I hear Harry say as he turns to look at me with a raised eye brow. I chuckled.

"I didn't want to get out of the shower."

I say with a smile. He laughs and turns to continue the conversation he was having with Ron.

I can feel someone staring at me but i refuse to look back knowing it was him so i sit up in my chair and began to eat some breakfast. Soon the bells ring and Hermione, Harry and i make our way to astronomy.

As we walk the chilly air hits our faces. It's getting cold here now and Christmas break is fast approaching. Soon everyone will be going back home and enjoying Christmas with there parents.

I was thankful that classes went by quickly considering how hard it was to focus with Draco constantly staring at me. It was quite irritating considering i had most of my classes with him.

I continued to avoid Draco which was honestly getting hard considering his several attempts to talk to me. Which quite honestly didn't make any sense to me since he was the one who said that we wouldn't work.

I spend most of my nights wrapped up in thick fleeces in my favorite spot in the common room trying to keep up with homework and studying for tests i had in most of my classes. The Secret DA meeting began going on longer since it was only 2 weeks before Christmas break and Harry wanted to get as much practice in before then which left me very little free time.

Not that i was complaining i loved the DA meeting and i always found them fascinating and fun. I was honestly happy Harry agreed to help others learn spells that the teachers wouldn't teach us. Ever since Umbridge had taken over the school she had put in place all these stupid strict rules leaving most the students in pissy and annoyed moods.

I was walking from charms when my owl Ice flew onto my shoulder and stuck out her leg. I'm not sure why i named her Ice it was just the first thing i thought of when i first saw her back when i was just a child.

I carefully grabbed the piece of parchment to see that my mother had written me. Ice had flown off and i began to open the letter and reading it.

"Dear paisley, i hate to tell you this but you can't return home for christmas break this year.

Your father has in important job to do at the ministry and i'm going to go with him and i would hate for you to be home alone on christmas day. i'm really sorry sweetheart.

I hope you have a happy christmas and well see you when your home for the summer.
Love, mom

I groan loudly. I have to stay at hogwarts for christmas break? I wonder what's so important at the "Ministry" that both my parents have to be away for Christmas? It was obvious that whatever they were actually doing couldn't be said through owls. I sigh and fold the parchment and put in my robe pocket and continue to walk towards the castle.

My nose and cheeks were pink due to the cold weather. Soon i'm back into the castle and hurry towards the common room wanting to sit by the toasty fire to warm my frozen hands.

Once i reach the Common room i see Harry, Ron and Hermione all sitting in the sofa in the common room. "Hey guys" I say as i sit in my usual spot. Throwing my bag off to the side.  "Hey" they say with a smile. "What's up" I ask as i wrap myself in a nearby fleece blanket. "Oh we were just talking about where we were going for christmas break" Harry says "Oh" I say quietly. "Yeah we're all going to stay at the burrow with Ron" Hermione says. "Thats great
i'm glad that you don't have to go back to that horrible house" I say to harry with a smile.

I honestly felt bad that harry had to live there all these years before coming to Hogwarts. "I have to stay here for Christmas break. Something about my dad and the ministry" I tell them. Hermione looks at me "Why don't you just come stay with us? I'm sure Ron's mum wouldn't mind." She says with a bright smile. Ron nods sitting off to the side.

"Ob no i couldn't, i wouldn't want to bombard Mrs Weasley, i'm sure she has enough to worry about with you three coming for Christmas." I say with a slight chuckle.

" I'm sure she won't mind Paisley" Ron replies with a smile. "I can owl her and ask" he adds. I shake my head. "No that's okay. Im fine with staying her plus it's not the first time iv had to stay at Hogwarts over Christmas break" I say as i look at them then to the fire remembering the other years i had to stay here on Christmas in the past. 

This happened quite often if i'm being honest. My dad was always busy at the ministry but this time he's even more busy then normal. But my mom says it's nothing to worry about so I shrug it off and continue to talk to my friends. Not wanting to worry about something i didn't know anything about or even want to know about.

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