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I wake up to the sun shining in my eyes. M y eyes flutter open to see Draco sound asleep. My mind races back to last night activity's and i can feel a blush heat up my cheeks.

My thoughts are interrupted by the sound of Draco. "Good morning gorgeous" he says with a cheeky smile. "Good morning" I say back smiling. He gets up and begins to get dressed pulling his pants back on. He looks around. "Where the fuck is my shirt?" he says while looking around. I point to his shirt as he slips it on and begins to struggle to button it up. "Here let me help you" I say as i pull the warm covers off of my naked body.

As i begin to stand up my legs give out and Draco carefully catches me before i completely fall to the ground. He chuckles "You can't expect to walk after last night" he says smirking. "Oh shut up" I say cheekily as i slowly begin buttoning his shirt up. Once i'm done i begin to slowly put my clothes on. Iv never been this sore after sex in my life. "Here let me help you" he says as he clasped my bra and slipping my shirt over my head. "Thank you" I say softly and sitting on the edge of my messy bed. i watch him as he slips his shoes on and turns to look at me smirking. He walks up to me and plants a soft kiss on my forehead. "Iv gotta go" he says looking at me with soft eyes. i nod "Okay" "I'll see you later" I say as he walks out the door shutting it quietly since it was still early and most Gryffindors were still sleeping.

I walk into the bathroom and turn on the hot shower stepping in and the warm water heats my body up. The warm water relaxing my tense body. I slowly get out of the shower wrapping a soft towel around my body. I let out a soft gasp as i look at my neck which is littered in light and dark purple hues of color.

I trace my fingers over them and wince slightly in pain. i sigh. "How in hell am i going to be able to cover all of these up before the wedding?" I sigh once more leaving those problems for later and walk out of the bathroom slipping on a pair of jeans and a shirt and make myself presentable and walk out of the castle with my bag over my shoulder and make my way over to a sunny tree and sit down leaning my back onto it.

My skin soaking up the warmth of the sun. i pull my potions book out along with the homework and my notes. It was finally getting warm here and i was so glad that winter was over and it was no longer cold. A small breeze ruffled my hair. what was with draco last night? iv never seen this side of him. He was so angry and so lustful.. and for some reason it turned me on...

Dracos pov

As i walk out of her dorm a tinge of guilt washes over me. what was i thinking. i wanted out first time to be  special, gentle and long lasting. Instead i did the total opposite and fucked her hard and rough. thank merlin that i muttered the charm that she didn't get pregnant otherwise we'd be screwed.

I sigh as i make my way to the room of requirement. I muttered the words in my head as the door appears on the wall. I walk in and i approach the vanishing cabinet pulling the sheet that covered it. Just looking at it made my anxiety shoot up and make the room feel hot and small. I sit on the red velvet sofa that was behind me and tried to focus on the cabinet.

A few hours went by and still no luck. i needed to fix the cabinet now and get over with my task. All i had to do was fix this stupid cabinet let the death eaters in and kill Dumbledore. My heart beats rapidly at just the thought of killing one of the most respected wizards of all time. But i had no choice if i didn't complete my task the dark lord will kill everyone i love.. and i just can't stand the fact of losing paisley...

okay yeah well that happened in the last chapter👀 let me know if you guys want more chapters like that!! anyways let me know some ideas you would like to happen in this book!! love you guys!!

please vote and comment it means so much to me and gives me that push to keep writing. anyways thank you so much for the support you guys are giving me and have a great day or night!! love you guys!!

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