thirty seven.

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A cold blanket of fear washes over me once i understood what draco had just said. I was to meet Narcissa. I gulped and exhaled and smiled at Draco Trying to calm my nerves. The worst that could happen is that she could hate me. Right?

"When?" i asked quietly.

Draco gave me a small smile.
"At dinner. The elves should be done right about now"

My eyes widened. I looked down at the baggie t shirt and sweatpants i was wearing and gasped "Draco i have to change! i can't meet your mother in this" I said mentioning towards what i was wearing. He let out a soft chuckle before cupping my face.
"You look beautiful love"

Before i could utter another word there was a poof and a small house elf appeared.

"Dinner is ready Master and Masters friend" The elf said softly before disappearing with a soft whoosh. Draco smiled and gave my hand a reassuring squeeze before pulling me out of his room. I let out a strangled sound before i let him pull me down the stairs and into the dinning hall.

The table was lined with lots of food ranging from meats and veggies and even desserts. It smelled amazing. And i realized i couldn't remember the last time i ate an actual meal. Once i look up from the amazing looking food a small women was at the head of the table smiling.

"Hello" i said softly looking down at my feet.

"Oh don't be shy please have a seat. I'm sure your starving"

I smiled and nodded before taking a seat draco taking a chair  in front of me and began to dish food onto my plate. God it smelt amazing.

"You look much better dear. For a while there you had me worried That you wouldn't wake up"

I silently sucked in a breath and looked up from my plate of food.

"I wanted to thank you- for what you did." I said quietly.

"Oh it was nothing dear. I'm just glad your doing better." she stated smiling.

I nodded "But again thank you"

She smiled warmly before continuing to eat.

The rest of dinner when smoothly with small chit chat between the 3 of us. I would have never expected how easy it was to talk to narcissa. She was almost like having a 2nd mom. She was nothing like what others said she was like. We bidded our good nights before heading back upstairs. Draco grabbed up hand and squeeze gently and smiled at me. One of the smiles that makes his eyes light up and two dimples to show up on each cheek. My heart stuttered slightly at the sight of it.

Once we were back in his room i immediately crawled in bed and sighed. Draco softly climb in next to me and gently pulled me close.

"You know i'm not glass. I won't break" I said softly into his chest. He didn't reply immediately so i looked up at him slowly.

"When you were lying in bed unconscious." he started but sighed softly. "Those few days were the worst days of my life. And you'd left to go to that wedding and then you never came back and when you showed up here in your state it knocked the air out of my lungs and i was frozen. I didn't hear from you for months and i was scared out of my mind that you were hurt- or gone. And i'd wanted so badly to somehow go and find you but you literally dropped off the face of the map. And when things got too tense here i had to stop looking so that he wouldn't look your way."

"And when you came here it was like a weight was lifted off of my shoulders and i could breathe again. And when bella targeted you it was like all that air i had finally been able to take in- It was knocked out of me and i couldn't move." "I- i was frozen and i stood there and watched you take the curse over and over. And hearing your screams. I-"

His voice broke slightly.

"I snapped out of whatever it was and one look at my mom had her killing the snatchers and making bella and my father forget" "And then you were just lying there limp and i wasn't even sure you were still alive. my mother just picked you up and carried you upstairs and layed you in my bed and- You were already in such bad shape And i could do is hold your hand and pray that you would come back to me."

I wiped the tears that slid down my cheeks.

"Draco. I don't blame you for anything. And you may feel like your to blame but your not.  What happened that night was something my father should have handled long ago. But I would do it all over again just to be with you here in your arms. I would relive every second to be here with you. Because i love you and no matter what happens i always will" I said. I reached up and wiped the tear that rolled down his cheek.

"I love you." I said again.

"I love you, i love you, i love you" i repeated. I leaned in to kiss him. Shifting my body on top of him and ignoring that jarring pain that shot through my body and pulled him closer causing him to let out a gutteral moan. An ache that only he could scratch filled me. Causing my heart to race and my blood to boil. Faster then i can acknowledge i'm on my back and dracos on top.

He left lazy kisses on my neck and slowly trails down kissing my chest and stomach and he doesn't stop there. He moved back up to my face and our lips connect with slow kisses. Soon my shirt and sweats are off as well as his and he's slowly entering me. I let out a low moan which he muffles with his mouth. This time feels different. Where were normally fast and rough this time it's slow and sensual. This is more this just fucking. This was love making.

I wrap my legs around him and grab his face bringing our lips back together. Letting his moans vibrate through me. He pulls me impossibly closer and all there was was us. Just me and him.

A wave of Ecstasy flows through me as he hit that spot inside me. Him following quickly after. Breathing heavily inside of each other's mouths. He pulls back just enough to look at me. He smiles looking at me.

"God your so beautiful"

I couldn't help the blush that rose onto my cheeks. I couldn't find anything to say to him so i just sat up and kissed him with all i had. As well as making sure that we weren't done yet. Because i had missed him so terribly much that this was almost the only way i could show him.

And so i did.

Over and over again.

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