forty one.

113 3 0

There's only 30 more minutes and she can feel herself beginning to slip away.

She feels dizzy, nauseous even. Her thoughts are scattered and no matter how hard she try's to collect them they just scatter farther.

Slip through her fingers like water.

She's halfway through deciphering the spell and she cant even think straight for five seconds.

She shakes her head trying to clear her vision as it blurs again. Grabs her wand to cast another warming spell on herself even though she's burning up, she's freezing. And its the kind of cold that she's thinks shell never escape.

The cold of the dead of winter.

The kind of cold that you can only find between stars.

And she's terrifed.

Not of death itself but of what follows after it. The destruction it causes in others lives. The agonizing pain that follows after someone you love dies. She knows it all too well. Too well in fact that she never wants anyone to have to go through that sort of pain.

She hates it.

Hates the fact that she's knows she's not going to makes it out of this alive. Hates it because there's so much she still wants to do. Wants to see, wants to feel. She feels as though she hasn't even lived yet.

And she wants to. To live. She wants to live and see life with him. Wants to wake up every day beside him. Wants to grow old and wrinkly with him. She wants to watch there children grow and to show them the world. And to send them off to Hogwarts so they can see the beauty in magic like she does.

But time is fickle and it's a two syllabus word and its something she doesn't have.

Hates it even more because she knows that Draco will be the one to find her body. Hates it because she knows what this will do to Draco. Hates the fact that they were even put in this position. Hates that she can't change it. Cant turn back the time. Cant fix her mistake.

She cant stand the idea of time at all. Because there's never enough of it.

She shakes her head and runs her hand through her messy hair and her heart drops when she looks down at her arm to see black lines running up her arms.

She knows her time is running out.

And she hates it. Hates it hates it hates it.

Hates it so much she's willing to defy the very devil himself.

She takes a deep breath and glances at the clock.

28 minutes left.

She refocuses on the spell and continues to decipher it. She runs through the pages as fast as she can and its still not fast enough. Still not enough time never enough time.

15 mins later and she's on the last two sentences  and there's only 13 minutes left. The black veins on her arms have spread. Spread so fast she isn't sure if she even has 13 minutes left. And the pain of them is so blinding she's sure she'll go mad from it.

But she continues on anyways in hopes of some sort of self preservation.

She's finally finished it and she's looking at the paper and she cant read it. Cant see anything clearly. she's pretty sure she's going blind.

And that's when everything goes black

And death is waiting for her with open arms.







The clock keeps on ticking and there's no way to stop it.

way to slow down time. Time is something you never have enough of.

No matter how much you pray like hell for 5 more minutes.. five more seconds.

Time is a unfeeling thing. Hateful even. It doesn't care. It just keeps on flying by until its gone and your going with it

Because time waits for no one.

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