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We followed the crowd towards the 'bathrooms'. I watch as the people made small talk with other co workers and acting as if nothing was wrong with the world. I looked over a Hermione and saw a troubling look on her face. I looked over at what she was look over at and i heart sank the statute of 'mud bloods'. I looked over a her and gave her a small sympathetic look which she returned with a small smile as if saying don't worry about it.

Once we made it into the bathrooms harry and Ron went into the men's and Hermione and i went into the women's bathroom. Getting in line as we watched the women walk into the bathroom and disappear. Hermione went first and i followed. Once i reappeared i met up with Harry, Ron and Hermione.

"Harold it's still raining in my office. Fix it"

I hear a guff man say from behind me. We each turned to the man. Harry and Ron look at each other with confused looks.

"I mean it i want it done now or i will go straight to the minister" The man says pointing at Ron angrily before walking away. Ron looked at him nervously before nodding. I gave him a sympathetic look before my eyes widened at the voice behind me.

"There you two are"

Her squeaky voice filled my ears. Hermione and i turned around to see a plump lady in all pink. Mrs. umbridge. I gave her a small fake smile as i looked her up and down discreetly. My heart skipped a beat as i looked at the necklace on her neck.

"Were going to be late." she says still looking down at her clipboard.

"Come along" she says before turning around and walking. i looked back towards harry who was just standing there awkwardly. I shook my head slightly before turning to Hermione and quickly began to follow umbridge. Hermione and i walked behind umbridge for a few minutes before coming to a elevator.

We entered the elevator and stood behind umbridge. I internally rolled my eyes as i saw her fake smile. My heart began to beat erratically. I had to figure out a way to tell Hermione that the necklace that umbridge was wearing was in fact a horcrux. I mind raced as we neared where ever we were going. I reached up towards my neck and found a necklace. I slightly nudged Hermione and began to fiddle with the necklace on my neck. Hermione tipped her head ever so slightly signaling that she understood.

Once the elevator doors opened we walked to a court room. I looked around to see the stands halfway filled and a small women who looked as if she had been crying for days. Her eyes were red and her under eyes looked raw from crying so much. She look extremely tired. As we entered the room All i could hear were our foot steps and the quiet sniffles and whispers.

"Please give me my baby"

I shuddered. They were doing the trails against mud bloods. I remembered reading about it just after the attack at the burrow. I saw it on a window as we walked into a empty ally way. It made since though. Voldemort was all about blood purity. So naturally of course he would try and take the wands of those who don't have magic parents. But it also doesn't make since either because Voldemort was not of pure blood but of half blood. I sighed softly as i looked at the women empathetically as if trying to tell her that everything would be okay and that i would help her if i could.

I watched as Umbridge finished what she was writing on her clipboard and walk up to the stand and begin the trial. Hermione followed to sit next to her. Umbridge smoothed her bright pink blouse and looked up at the crying lady and gave her a fake smile. She began the trail by holding up a wand.

"Is this your wand?"

She asked in a sharp voice. She watched as the The lady dried her eyes quickly and cleared her throat before answering her.


Umbridge wrote something on her clipboard and set the wand aside. She looked back up at the lady and continued.

"Where did you get it"

"At Ollivanders when i was 11 years old"

Umbridge glared at her

"Lies you stole it!" she yelled anger screwing up her face.

I cringed slightly at her sudden loudness. I turned around to see Harry walking awkwardly into the room.

"Gregory what are you going here?"

My blood went cold as i watched as harry's poly potion began to wear off. I looked down at myself and then to hermione as i watch them morph back into there original looks. I quickly pulled my wand out and yelled


I watch as umbridges surprised face went limp.

"Hermione the necklace" I yelled as began to stun the people who began to shoot hexes towards us. Hermione quickly grabbed the necklace and we ran out of the room and to the elevator. I quickly pressed the button as the elevator door closed before anyone could catch up with us.

Once the doors opened i stared at Ron who was soaking wet.

"Im guessing you didn't stop the raining"

He nodded

"We gotta go" Hermione said sternly as she grabbed harry and ron's arms and running towards the exit. The people began chasing us once they noticed who we were. We ran as we dodged hexes as fast as we could. As soon as we were out of the building harry grabbed my arm as we apperated to another forest.

Once we landed i collapsed on the ground as i held my arm close as a sharp bolt of pain shot through my arm. A unfamiliar wet feeling ran down my ran down my arm.

I tried to focus and figure out how it happened as i felt hermione rush over to me and begin to heal the wounds. My heart felt like it stopped as i came to the realization.

Someone had hexed me just before we apperated.

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