fifty four.

130 3 0

It's quiet safe for the sound of my ragged breathing.


The ache of my wounds begin to set in as my adrenaline rush fades and i have to clench my teeth against the pain and nausea that threatens to overwhelm me. Threatens to pull me under— in to a murky abyss.


Theres a pounding in my head and an ache so deep in my soul i'm afraid it will never leave. Maybe i deserve it. I'd taken 3 lives today. I deserve to feel this ache. This pain.

I take in deep breathes to try to keep myself from passing out— from succumbing to my wounds and falling into that dark abyss that lingers close by. I look down at my hands and see that there shaking. I swallow hard and ball my hands into tight fist to keep them from shaking.


Looking up at Draco i couldn't help a sob of relief. I went up to him as quickly as i could, despite the pain i threw my arms around him pulling him as close as i physically was able to. His arms instantly wrapping around me. Tears fell freely down my face but i couldn't care less. He was okay.

He gently pulled back trying his hardest not to touch any of the many cuts and bruises that littered my entire body from being dragged across the ground. I squeezed his hand bringing his attention away from the blood dripping down my body.  I tried my best attempt at a smile leaning up and kissing him. Savoring the feeling of his lips on mine.

Pulling away too soon he stared at me in silent questioning. I squeezed his hand once more nodding letting him know that i was okay.

Our bittersweet reunion was cut short as a scream cut through the erie silence. Both of our heads whipped towards the sound of it and before Draco could utter a word i was running towards to sound. My body ached with the effort causing me to grit my teeth to keep my cry's of pain from escaping my lips.

I stopped abruptly taking in the scene in front of me. Draco stopped quickly beside me an unreadable expression on his face. I turned my attention back on the events playing out in front of me.

We had lost.

Voldemort bellowed over the crowd making sure he had everyone's attention. He was silent for a moment looking over the crowd a devilish grin on his face at the sight of us. We were beaten down and he knew it.

He raised his arms turning around in a circle looking at the crowd. Reviling in his win — in our down fall.

"Harry Potter is dead."

My heart dropped and my eyes searched desperately for the boy who was one of my best friends. He had to be lying. Harry couldn't be dead. My eyes stopped on Hagrid who was holding him in his giant arms. He looked so small. Tears were burning my eyes begging to be released.

Harry was dead. One of my bestest friends was gone and i couldn't even remember the last thing i had said to him. I hadn't seen him in months— not since that day in the drawing room of the Malfoy Manor.

I bit my lip to stop the sob that was fighting it's way out of my chest. Looking over i saw Ginny trying to fight her way towards Harry but was unable to get through the group of people holding her back. His name a cry on her lips. I watched as Ron pulled his youngest sibling into his chest holding her tightly as she sobbed. My heart broke for her.

"You stupid girl." The dark lord seethed looking at Ginny. "From this day forward you put your faith in me." he continued pointing at himself, looking over the crowd relishing in our defeat. To further his point he swiftly turned around and began walking towards the crowd of deatheaters behind him. Lifting his arms to the crowd "Harry potter is dead." he said again causing the group to bust out laughing.

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