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okayyy so i decided to SPICE things up and make this book more interesting. Anyways yes i know that i never talk at the beginning of the story bc i feel it messes up the look of the book ( no offense to you guys who do )


Btw no this is not rape she gives full consent))



Hermione Ron and Harry went to the burrow this weekend to help Mrs Weasley with a wedding Sunday. I'd told them that i'd see them Sunday because i'd gotten behind on homework and i really needed to catch up.

I'm sitting in my dorm room on my comfy bed skipping through my potions book jotting down notes and filling out the homework Slughorn had assigned. I sigh why didn't i just do this earlier? I look over at the time 11:00 and i'm no we're close to done. i lean back laying on my pillow when i hear an aggressive knock at the door. i quickly get up putting all my things on my table. i open the door to see Draco he looks angry and stressed.

Before i can say anything He pushes his way in closing the door somewhat quietly and pushes me against the door and smashes his lips against mine which i don't hesitate to kiss back. He grips my waist closing the little room we had. I had never seen this side of Draco. He was full of lust and anger.. which for some reason turned me on. "Jump" he says lustfully which i do without hesitation. He catches me and carries me to the bed and sets me there i look up at him.

He quickly takes off his shirt as i take it his perfect body he pins me onto the bed and i let him take control. His cold hands slip under my tee shirt as he pulls it off leaving me in my bra and panties. I moan softly as he explores my body. He breaks the kiss as he leans down to my neck kissing and leaving hickeys all over. He trails down my body leaving light kisses down my torso. I suck in gasping slightly my eyes rolling into the back of my head.

He looks at me lustfully "Are you okay with this?" He asks looking me in the eyes. I bite my bottom lip and nod. I lean up and undo his belt throwing it to the ground as he takes of his pants and boxers i look down and lightly gasp. He was huge how would i be able to take that?

My thoughts are quickly interrupted as he crashes his lips back down on mine i let out a soft moan in his mouth as his hard member brushes my vagina threw my underwear which just seems to only fuel him more as he breaks our kiss and pulls my panties down. He rubs my clit and slides his fingers in and leans back down smash his lips onto mine. I let out soft moans as he moves his fingers in and out slowing down and speeding up teasing me. He lines himself with me and slowly enters inside me as i adjust to his large size.

I moan as he moves back and forth i move my hand to cover my mouth not wanted to draw attention to my dorm but he rips my hand away quickly and leans down into my ear and whispers. "I want to hear you moan" He says lustfully. Once i'm adjusted to his size he shoves his member inside me my tight walls throb.

He pulls my legs onto his shoulder to get a better position and aggressively wraps in hand around my throat as he thrusts inside me. "How can someone feel so good" he whimpers through grunts. He begins going faster and harder. My body tingles as the pleasure runs through me. I can feel my walls begin to tighten up as he thrusts inside me. I moan and whimper as he hits my g- spot. "D-Draco" I manage to say through moans "I- i i'm going to cum" I say breathlessly

"Then cum"

He says through grunts he quickens his speed as he goes deeper. I moan louder as i begin to reach my climax. He begins to slow down as he groans in pleasure. "I'm going to cum" he say as he quickly pulling out. i push him backwards and he falls on his back i quickly get on top on him slipping him back inside me. i move in a back in forth motion and lean down into his ear.

"Then cum" I say as he said to me biting my lip.He crashes his lips onto mine as were both reaching our climax. We moan into each other's mouths as it gets closer. He thrusts inside me hitting my g- spot with ease. As i reach my climax i open my mouth and moan as we both reach our climax. my insides overflowing. I collapse next to draco the only sound is our rapidly heavy breathing. I lay my head on his chest sticky with sweat as he pulls me close to him our breathing slowly turns normal again.

I reach down and pull the blanket over our exposed body. Draco lifts his head towards mine and kisses me passionately. I lay my head back down on his sticky chest i lift my hand up and draw shapes and letters and I slyly write "I love you" but cover it up by drawing random shapes i between the letters and words.

I slowly begin to drift off the sleep with Draco next to me. I really missed sleeping next to him. I feel like i don't see him as often he's always slipping away somewhere. I sigh softly and fall asleep cuddled up next to Draco.

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