forty three.

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When she wakes again its dark except for the soft golden glow of a few candles that are lit in the darkest corners of the room. She blinks. Lays there and only blinks because she's still trying to understand the last moments she can remember.

She wracks her brain going over every little detail she remembers and try's to ignore the feeling that she's lost something. Try's to focus on something else but her brain seems to have stopped listening to her and has opted on listening to her heart. And her heart hurts. And she isn't even sure why. Feels as though she should.

Then there's a door opening to her right and she turns her head to see that its Theo and another strange lady whose standing next to him. And when they stop there hushed whispers and look over at her they stop and freeze.

The strange lady dosent freeze for long and shes at her side in a matter of seconds and shes waving her wand around and monitors appear in mid air. And that's when she realizes she's a doctor. She sits there and stares at the reading for almost to long and that feeling returns. The terrifying feeling that something's terribly wrong but when Theo finally steps out of his stupor and walks over to the nurse to see what she could possibly be looking at his face falls and his eyes fall on his shoes before looking at her once more and then swiftly exiting the room. Leaving her with panic.

And when he returns there's two others following him and one of them doesn't step into the room. She turns her head and blinks when she recognizes it to be Draco. He's standing there and he looks terrible she realizes. So horrible in fact she's almost sure he looks worse then she dose. And she so wants him to walk in and to come hold her hand but he seems like he can't move. Cant do anything but stand and stare.

And then the nurse is waving her wand again and the monitors are gone and she's reaching over to touch her and all she can manage is a squeak and to squeeze her eyes closed before the inivibitle pain she is sure to come back from her touch.

But it doesn't and when she realizes it she's slowly opening her eyes again. And when she dose she lifts her arm up in the air and is moving her fingers around like she's never had fingers before. Then she's raising the other and she realizes the black veins are no longer there and she feels something like relief something she feels as though she hasn't felt in ages.

But its un lasting when she hears the nurses voice. Her eyes dart over to her and for the first time since she's woken up she studies her.

Her face is solemn and her eyes are sad. She sits down on the edge of the bed softly. Carful not to move her too much. Her eyes stay on her for a few moments before the nurse breaks the eye contact and looks over at Draco whos still standing frozen in the doorway and motions for him to come over there. Says " This is something you both need to hear" Then she watch's him hesitate watches him consider not coming in at all before he finally slowly comes to sit on the bed beside her. She slowly reaches for his hand. Needs his touch for whatever the nurse is about to tell them. Then the two others who were standing in the far corner of the room who she now knows to be Narcissa and Theo quietly leave.

Then its just the three of them and she feels Draco gently squeeze her hand before she looks back over at the nurse who takes a minute to begin talking.

"The spell that was preformed on your body was very very dark magic. And the amount of time the spell was left on was extreme."

She's looking at them with all seriousness and its startling. She pauses for a moment before continuing.

"It did a lot of damage to your body.. or it should have.. if I'm being honest you shouldn't be alive right now." She looks down and pauses again. Seeming to be trying to collect herself. And when she looks back up at her she isn't sure shell tell her the rest of it. Isn't sure she can. But she dose.

"Upon arriving here you were unconscious and your veins had turned black. Your body was essentially turning on itself- well your magic was turning on its self. Burning you from the inside out. You are very lucky that the reversing spell was preformed when it was otherwise..." she trails off. She can feel herself nod and squeeze Dracos hand. Not only to comfort him but herself as well.

Then the nurse continues

" When i began my work on you i had found something that had surprised me. You were with child."

Her heart stops and she can feel her blood run cold. She now feels the sticky sweat on her skin can feel everything really. And it's all to much. The nurse continues "And when you woke again you were glowing. A bright white light and I wasn't entirely sure what was going on. Never in my 26 years of being a doctor had i ever seen something like this before. And that's when I realized your baby was taking the dark magic from your body."

And then she remembers. The thing she felt before. It wasn't a thing at all. It was her baby. Their baby. And it had taken her pain. He had taken her pain.

She lets out a sob. A soul wracking sob because she knows. Remembers the way the pain felt. How excruciating it was. And she feels herself let out another sob knowing that that pain was probably the last thing her unborn son had felt.

And that's when everything else stops. She can no longer hear the nurse talking. Can longer do anything but to try and search for the thing that's missing from her. That had been torn away from her before she even knew it was there. She moves her hand to rest on her belly. Thinks that maybe the nurse is wrong and that he's still in there.

But when her hand finally rests on her stomach she knows. Knows that's the nurse isn't lying. Knows that her baby is gone. And something breaks in her chest. Breaks so violently she's sure someone had to of heard it.

And so she dose the only thing she can manage to do. She rolls onto her side and buries her face into Draco's chest.

And she breaks.

Breaks into a million pieces.

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