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I wake up to the early morning sun beaming into the dorm window. I glance over to see a pile of perfectly wrapped gifts. I jump up out of bed and pick them up and set them on my bed. Smiling i pick up the letter that was neatly tied on top of the gift from Hermione. I quickly open the letter and read it.

Dear Paisley,


I really hope you like what iv gotten you. It took me ages to find if i'm being honest but i think you'll love it.
Anyways we really miss you and can't wait to see you in a few weeks!!

See you soon!

Love your friends.

I smile and set aside the letter and began to unwrap the gift. I can't help a smile seeing that it was my all time favorite book. Shaking my head i looked out the window wondering how she had been able to find the book.

I'd been trying for weeks to check it out again at the library but someone always got it before me. I laughed a bit knowing that we'd given one another our favorite books. Next I moved onto Harry and Ron's gifts. Harry had gotten me a brand new quill set and Ron had gotten me the essentials like parchment paper and ink pots which i was grateful for because i was always running out.

Lastly i see a small black box. I flip it over seeing no name of who it was from. I slowly open it to see a necklace with a small star at the end of it. I gasp when i first see it. It was absolutely gorgeous. I look in the box to see a small note. I grabbed the note from the box quickly trying to see what it said in hopes that it would have a name of some sort.

"I hope you like it."

I look to see who it was from but there was no name. I sighed wanting to thank whoever had gotten it for me since it didn't look cheap. I decided to shake it off  hoping the person would step up eventually and put it on and looking at the beautiful star that hung from my neck beautifully.

I put my gifts aside and threw on a simple pair of jeans and a long sleeve shirt and made my way into the common room.

I chuckle when im greeted by Neville stuffing his face with a bunch of candy.

"Merry Christmas Neville" I say with a cheery smile as i walk down and sit next to him on the sofa.

"Merry Christmas, i got you something."

He says holding out a small box. I widen my eyes remembering that i'd gotten him something too and had left it in the dorms."Ill be right back" I say as i rush up to the dorms and grab Nevilles gift.  I quickly come sit back down on the couch.

"Here i got you something as well"  I say while handing him the box and taking the one he'd been holding out for me. We both opened our boxes and laugh seeing that we gotten each other the same boxes of candies.

I began opening a box of candy when i see Neville look at my neck and to my necklace his eyes widening.

"Oh wow paisley who gave you that" he says pointing at the necklace.

"Oh" i shrug opening a piece of candy from the bag and popping it into my mouth.

"Im not really sure there was no name" I tell him as i reach up and began fiddling with it.

"Well whoever it is must really like you, it doesn't look cheap" he says smiling.

"Well i'm going to go to Hogsmeade with some of my friends would you like to come with? Im sure they won't mind" he asks.

I shake my head. "I think i'm just going to hang out in here for a little bit and iv got some things in need to do I tell him. "Maybe i'll catch up with you later" I add with a smile. He nods and walks out of the common room.

I get up from the sofa and go to the dorms. I grab my new quill set and grab my parchment and ink pot and begin writing back to Hermione wanting to thank her as soon as possible.

Dear Hermione,


Thank you so much for the book!!
I really hope you enjoy the book iv gotten you!

Tell Harry and Ron that i said thank you and i love the gifts!
Anyways i miss you guys so much and i can't wait to see you in a few weeks!!

Have a good day love you!!"

I fold the parchment paper and throw my jacket on and my scarf and make my way out of the common room and to the owlrey. A white blanket of snow covering the ground. I find my owl Ice and gently tie the parchment to her leg and telling her to take it to the burrow. I smile as i watch her fly off. I reach up and hold the star in my hand.

"Merry Christmas" I hear someone say behind me. I smile and turn around to see Draco in his infamous black suit and smirk. "Merry Christmas Draco" I say back smiling sweetly. He smirks when he sees the necklace.

"Come with me" he says with a grin looking back at me
"Cover your eyes" he says as we begin walking out of the owlrey. "What no" I say stubbornly. "I won't be able to see where i'm walking" I say looking at him annoyed.

He smiles puts his arms around me.

"Now cover your eyes and i'll guide you." I look at him deciding weather or not I was going to do what he says "Oh come on don't you trust me?" he says smirking. I roll my eyes and sigh covering my eyes and letting Draco guide me to wherever he was taking me-hopefully not to my death.

Our body's are so close together i can feel his hot breath on my neck and his intoxicating cologne invaded my nostrils. How can someone smell so good? I thought to my self as he guided me to who knows where. Honestly i'd follow him to the ends of the earth if he smelled that good everyday.

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