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The next morning I got up early and grabbed my parchment, ink pot and my quill and quickly started writing.

Draco please stay away from me. Whatever this is  has to stop.

You were right at the beginning when you said this wouldn't work.

Please don't make this harder then it has to be and just stay away.


I quickly jot my name down and fold the parchment and stuff it into my jacket pocket.
I quickly put my shoes on and quietly make my way out of the dorm room and make my way to the owlrey.

I quickly find ice and tie the parchment to her leg and sending her off before i can change my mind. I sigh as i watch her fly away in the crisp morning air. Trying to avoid the panicky feeling deep in my gut.

I began my walk back to the dorm quickly slipping into the shower and throwing my usual Gryffindor clothes on. I walk out of the dorm with Hermione we're both quiet and neither of us know what to say. I sigh licking my lips and crossing my arms over my chest. "I ended it with Draco.... whatever we had.. it's over" I say looking down trying not to cry.

As much as i loved being with Draco i didn't want to lose my best friends. Hermione nudges me with her shoulder gently. "That's a good thing." She says quietly.  "It doesn't feel like a good thing. It's just he's so different with me. He's kind and loving totally opposite of what you'd think" I say with a sigh looking down at my feet. "It's Malfoy for crying out loud P aisley"  she says looking at me like iv gone completely insane but before i can reply i hear my name from behind.


I can see Draco strutting up to me with what seemed to be my letter clutched in his hand. I look over to Hermione who seemed to be giving me a "It's your choice" look and walking away. I shrug and turn to look a Draco.

"I loved the letter."

"You what?" i asked in disbelief and looked at him confused trying to understand what he was exactly going on about.

"You loved it?" I ask still looking at him confused.
"It's a load of shit" he says irritated.
"Its pretty much the worst thing iv ever read in my whole life" he adds crossing his arms over his chest.

I raise my eyebrow in surprise


He crossed he arms rolling his eyes as if that was the stupidest question ever. "It's stupid why on earth would i stay away from you?"

I  sigh looking at his soft gray eyes.

I look around to see people passing by looking at us with confused and Disgusted looks to see and Gryffindor and a Slytherin talking.

I shift uncomfortably digging my nails in my skin trying to calm my anxiety down. I know right a Gryffindor has anxiety? Draco seemed to notice and pulled me behind a secluded stair case. I  nervously looked at him. "Draco i- i" I try to say. Try to find the right words. He just looks at me confused. "Why do you care so much about what your friends think? You need to start thinking about yourself" He says looking at me with his soft gray eyes. "I don't know.. they have been there for me since day one Draco..." He furrows his brows. "Yeah and if there your best friends they won't care who your with as long as your happy" He says looking at me. The irritation draining from him as he watched me.

I sigh looking down. He was right. If they were really my friends they won't make me choose there friend ship over a relationship. I look at him. "You know what your right" I say looking at him. He just shrugs a cute shrug and leans down to kiss me. I kiss him back  "Iv gotta go talk to them" I say walking away from him and into the great hall and walk up to Harry, Hermione and Ron.

I breathe in out and try to calm the sudden nerves that arose. I take a deep breath and walk up to them. "Guys can we talk?" I ask looking at the 3 of them. Hermione looks at the two boys as if telling them to say something. Ron looks up at me "What in the bloody hell is-" he's cut off by Hermione elbowing him in the side. He looks over at her to see a glare. I look over a Harry who sighs and stands up followed by Ron and Hermione.

They follow me into a near by empty classroom which just happened to be the classroom where Draco and i had one of our make out sessions. I push the thought back and look at the three of them nervously. "Okay look i know you can Draco have y'all's differences but he's different with me and i'm happy with him" I pause hearing Ron scoff which included him earning another glare from Hermione.

"Look guys i just don't think it's fair for me if i have to choose over someone who generally makes me happy and you guys who are my best friends ..." I say looking at them. I tried to keep my composure but inside i was freaking out i didn't want to lose Draco and i didn't want to lose my best friends. They look at me as if trying to figure out if i really was happy with Draco. "Do you trust him?" I hear Harry ask. I nod. "Like i trust you guys" I say looking at them. "Okay" he says looking at me. "If you trust him and he makes you happy then i'm not going to hold you back from being happy" Harry says.

I can see that hermiones giving me a look of Approval i smile which quickly fades as i look over a Ron who looks at me angrily. "How can you be happy with Malfoy?" he says looking at me. "He's been our enemy since first year" i fold my arms
into myself. "Ron don't you think i know that?" he sighs "Iv gotta go before i'm late" he trails off and walks away. I sigh watching him leave. "Don't worry Paisley he'll come around" I hear Hermione say to me softly. I nod and we make our way to first period.

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