thirty two.

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The following months were hectic. It had been 5 months since my injury which thanks to my spell work and hermiones help its good as new although there was permanent scaring but it don't really mind.

We'd managed to almost get killed 3 times now just by going out in public so we used poly potions that i'd managed to snatch the ingredients for when we had to go out in public or in big crowds where we could get exposed. I'll never get used to its god awful taste. Every time we did go out there were posters of us all over as undesirables. But other then almost dying several times we'd managed to kill the locket we'd gotten at the ministry of magic.

So all we had left were 4 more to kill. I was so thankful that we'd been able to destroy the locket it made the last few months hell from the mood swings to ron leaving and harry almost dying when he'd seen the sword of gryffindor in a lake. Thankfully Ron had came back and saw him otherwise he'd be dead and we would probably all die as well and the magic kingdom would be in great danger.

On the other hand we'd also been able to figure out all the ways on how to destroy horcruxs. Basilisk venom, Fiendfyre , the killing curse and the sword of Gryffindor. We'd tried to convince harry to let us start using dark magic when we found another horcrux if we couldn't get to the sword of gryffindor or basilisk venom but he quickly shot that down and stating that we would not be using dark magic and continued to explain how it sticks to you and corrupts your magic. so we were pretty much depending on always having the sword of gryffindor.

Another thing we suspect is that there was a horcrux in Hogwarts somewhere and that there was probably one with bellatrix because she was voldemort's right hand man- or women and that it would be obvious that she had one somewhere. We'd also assumed that his snake was one as well since horcruxs have to be sentimental to the person or a personal object that the person holds value to. We'd figured that by remembering how he'd make a horcrux out of his journal and his ring. So that left 2 unknown horcruxs that we'd need to find.

Hermione mentioned something about a necklace that Luna's father was wearing and that it was the same symbol on harry's parents graves so that's where we were off to next. I'd helped Hermione pack the tent away in her charmed bag. I slipped Draco's hoodie on as i slipped my wand into my pocket for quick access just in case. We walked to the edge of the forest and we looked at each other silently telling each other that we all were ready. We grabbed onto each other as hermione apperated out of the quiet forest.

Once we were on the ground again i looked up to see a house. We all walked up to it and knocked on the door.

A few seconds later a gruffly white haired man opened the door. He looked like he hadn't slept in days and he was going out of him mind. As soon as he recognized us he let us in the house.

"What brings you guys here?"

He says as he shuffles awkwardly around the kitchen seeming to gather the ingredients for making tea.

"See sir were here to ask you about the necklace you were wearing on Bill and Flurs wedding. When i was visiting my parents grave i saw the same symbol on a tombstone."

Harry's says as he watches the man make the tea and bring it over.

"Oh i see" he pauses before he continues "What would you like to know about it" He says looking at us blankly as he sipped his tea.

"What exactly dose it symbolize" I ask quietly as i watched him sip his tea.

"The deathly hallows"

"Who are they?" Ron questions from the corner of the room his arms crossed as he leaned on the wall.

"You've never heard of the deathy hallows?" He asks surprised.

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