44. The myth of soulmates

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TW: sexual scenes

November, 1996

~\~ Bella Huxley ~\~

That night I found myself spending the evening studying in the library with Hermione. She came to find me right after dinner and asked me if I was interested in spending some time together. As she's reading one of the paragraphs in her book, I catch myself staring at her.

Hermione Granger.

One of Harry Potters famous best friends. Part of the Golden Trio. Has been put through hell and back ever since first year, having to see her best friend getting tormented by Voldemort.

I envied her my whole time at Hogwarts for the friendships she has with Ron and Harry . I couldn't even closely imagine what it would feel like to have such good friends. Their friendship isn't even comparable with the friendship between me and Sam.

Our friendship was forced. I needed someone to talk to and Sam was the only one that knew what I have been going through all this time. And although I have grown to care about Sam a lot, it just isn't the same.

Hermione's eyes look more dull than usual and it looks like she's gotten skinnier. Her usual bouncy curls have turned saggy and her hair doesn't shine anymore like it used to. The bags underneath her eyes are starting show more every day.

I have tried to get some things out of her. If I want to collect information either Hermione or Harry are my best bets. Ron has been distant towards me. I don't think it's specifically because he doesn't trust me, but I feel like he just doesn't want to include me.

Whatever they are doing, it's important. Both sides are aware of a war coming our way. Both sides are preparing. Both sides are eager to win the battle that is about to come.

But what is it that the Trio is working on this year? What is so important that Dumbledore allows them to skip classes day after day. Every time they return ravaged and drained. Sometimes there's bruises or cuts that they have failed to heal completely. They're tired. Something is draining them.

Maybe it has to do with what Theodore told me about Draco's father trying to collect a Prophecy. If Lucius Malfoy has been send to Azkaban because of this, maybe the Trio has been involved in catching him.

But why wouldn't Voldemort free Lucius from Azkaban? He's done it before, freeing several Death Eaters. Why doesn't he bother about Lucius? Is it punishment because he failed to collect the Prophecy? What even was in that Prophecy that's so important to Voldemort?

''I just read something very interesting, Bella.'' Hermione smiles as she looks up from her book, breaking my thoughts. ''For Muggle Studies we are covering Greek Mythologies and you have to hear this one!''

''You're in muggle studies?'' I laugh as I frown my eyebrows. A mudblood in Muggle Studies, that is kind of unnecessary.

My heart stops for a second as I realize I used mudblood in my head instead of muggle born. As I try to think of a reason of why that happened, Hermione places herself next to me and places the book in front of us.

''The Myth is called 'The Myth of Soulmates'.'' I hear her take a breath before she puts her finger right underneath every sentence as she starts reading it to me.

She always has done that. Putting her finger on the line she's reading, although she doesn't have any trouble reading at all.

''According to the Greek Myth of Soulmates, humans were originally created with four arms, four legs and a head with two faces. Zeus split them into two separate parts, condemning them to spend their lives in search of their other halves, because he feared their powers.''

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